Dating apps and sites like OkCupid and Match are notorious for making it too easy, which isn’t really the point of dating—you don’t need elaborate dating apps to find real connection. The purpose of these platforms is to make it easy for users to find like-minded people, and they do an excellent job of facilitating connection. If you’re looking for a relationship, however, you’ll want to take the process a bit more seriously, and that’s where things get tricky.
If you want to get to know someone before putting yourself out there completely, you might try a site like Casual Connections, which is one of the older dating sites on the web and has been in operation since 1995. Here, people don’t have to move to the same city, or even the same country. If you can’t find the right connection on these sites, the goal is to find someone who you have something in common with (and you don’t have to look too far, either, since you can limit your search to a specific city or town), and then make that person your friend (or maybe someone you date, if you’re interested in a serious relationship).
If you find you’re connecting with a person, take it slow. While it may seem like a good idea to start a date with an absolute flurry of text messages, that’s not always the most effective way to proceed, especially if you’re meeting in person. Start with a phone conversation and, if things are good, continue to meet in person, gradually introducing yourself more slowly. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn in just five minutes of conversation, and how much you’ll have in common. If the relationship turns into a long-term thing, then take it from there.
Still, even if you’re looking for something a bit more serious than a text message, dating apps still present some challenges. Most people you find in these apps are looking for the same things you are, and thus, you’re going to have to craft the right profile to make yourself stand out. Ditch the picket fences and trust funds (unless you like those things, of course, but leave the answers to that for another day). In the age of the smartphone, there are apps that can help you make your profile stand out. AskMen’s Dating Profile Sizing Guide, in particular, has tips on what you should include in your profile, and you can also use an app like Pickup Line to help you construct your profile
Why: You’ve heard of the Theory of Relativity. Well, I’m going to write about the Theory of Dating. By “theory,” I mean a system or model of human behavior that is shared and follows set principles. Dating is such a big part of our modern culture that I believe there must be a theory that explains how and why people do the things they do. Here are some hypotheses:
1. The “best of breeding” theory. Those people who say, “A man should marry for the best of breeding,” are only speaking in terms of financial and personal resources. The woman who is married to the most handsome, rich, educated, humorous man in the world is hardly the best of breeding. In fact, she might be the worst.
I suspect this is the case because I see people act in peculiar and self-destructive ways when their boyfriends are attractive. Guys have a hard time just being friends with attractive girls. They feel the need to introduce themselves and to explain themselves and their philosophies about life and, of course, to invite you to a game of Dungeons and Dragons in the name of chivalry.
It’s like having a crush and feeling a need to save this girl from herself, like she needed a knight to ride in on a white horse and rescue her from the devil.
2. The survival of the fittest theory. This theory suggests that dating is a competitive, zero-sum game in which the woman must prove herself worthy, while the man must prove himself not unworthy. This serves men like John Wayne, who often see themselves as an entitled creature.
Males must prove their sexual prowess to get ahead in society. This may be a relatively recent phenomenon, which is why, for example, people today are more likely to feel that a guy with a Porsche has had a good day than they are to feel that a guy with a Porsche has had a good day.
I find this theory slightly ridiculous. Guys have been in relationships longer than women, and they know more than just about anything about women. When they say, “Dude, she’s crazy,” they have a point. Therefore I believe it’s safe to conclude that most of the women have been crazy. Look at some of the women you know. Some women are crazy. Some are maybe just weird. Some are maybe just a little bit crazy and a little bit weird.
No, you don’t need to prove your worth to someone because you have