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How to Make Amazing Photo Slideshows with Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack

If you love taking photos and want to share them with your friends and family in a creative and fun way, you may want to try Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack. This is a software program that allows you to create stunning photo slideshows with music, transitions, effects, and more. You can also add FLV videos and text to your slideshows, and export them as SWF files for watching on your computer or uploading to the web. In this article, we will show you how to download Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, what are its features, how to use it, and what are the benefits and risks of using it.

What is Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack is a cracked version of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, a software program that helps you to create photo slideshows with ease. It is made by Anvsoft Inc., a company that specializes in multimedia software development. The original version of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum costs $49.95 and requires a license key to activate it. However, the cracked version is free and does not need any activation or registration. It also bypasses the limitations and restrictions of the original version, such as the watermark, the trial period, and the update check.

What are the features of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack has many features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for photo slideshow creation. Some of them are:

  • It supports various image formats, such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, etc.
  • It allows you to add FLV videos to your slideshows, such as YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, etc.
  • It lets you add music to your slideshows, either from your own collection or from the built-in music library.
  • It offers hundreds of transition effects and themes for your slideshows, such as wedding, birthday, holiday, etc.
  • It enables you to add text, clipart, hyperlinks, art effects, and more to your slideshows.
  • It has a preview window that shows you the real-time effects of your changes.
  • It can export your slideshows as SWF files for playing on your computer or uploading to the web.
  • It can also burn your slideshows to CD/DVD discs or create executable files for easy sharing.
  • It has an XML-driven flash output that makes your slideshows more dynamic and interactive.

What are the system requirements for Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

To use Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack on your computer, you need:

  1. A computer with Windows XP (SP3) or later versions.
  2. A computer with at least 1 GB of RAM memory.
  3. A hard disk with at least 2 GB of free space.
  4. A color monitor with resolution of at least 1024 x 768 px.
  5. A sound card and speakers for playing music.
  6. A CD/DVD burner for burning discs (optional).
  7. An internet connection for downloading videos (optional).

How to use Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

Once you have downloaded and installed Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you can start using it to make amazing photo slideshows. Here are some tips on how to use it:

  1. Open Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum from your desktop or start menu and choose the mode that you want to use, such as Basic mode, Advanced mode, or Web Album mode.
  2. Add photos and videos to your slideshow by clicking on the Add button or dragging and dropping them from your computer.
  3. Edit your photos and videos by using the tools on the left panel, such as crop, rotate, flip, filter, etc.
  4. Add music to your slideshow by clicking on the Music button and choosing a song from your computer or the built-in music library.
  5. Add transitions and themes to your slideshow by clicking on the Transition and Theme buttons and choosing from hundreds of options.
  6. Add text, clipart, hyperlinks, art effects, and more to your slideshow by clicking on the Decorate button and using the tools on the right panel.
  7. Preview your slideshow by clicking on the Preview button and adjusting the settings on the bottom panel.
  8. Export your slideshow by clicking on the Publish button and choosing the output format that you want, such as SWF, HTML, EXE, CD/DVD, etc.

What are the benefits of using Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

By using Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you can enjoy many benefits for your photo slideshow creation, such as:

  • You can create stunning photo slideshows with music, transitions, effects, and more in a few minutes.
  • You can share your photo slideshows with your friends and family in various ways, such as playing on your computer, uploading to the web, burning to discs, etc.
  • You can showcase your photos and videos in a creative and fun way, such as making a wedding slideshow, a birthday slideshow, a holiday slideshow, etc.
  • You can express your personality and style by customizing your photo slideshows according to your preferences and needs.
  • You can have fun and learn new skills by using Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack.

What are the risks of downloading Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

Although downloading Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack may seem like a good idea, you should also be aware of the potential risks and disadvantages that it may entail. Some of them are:

  • You may be violating the intellectual property rights of the developers of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, who have invested time and money to create a quality product.
  • You may be exposing your computer and your data to viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful programs that may come along with the crack or the download link.
  • You may be compromising the security and reliability of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, as the crack may alter or damage some of its files or functions.
  • You may not receive technical support or customer service from the official providers of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, in case you have any problem or doubt with the software.
  • You may miss out on some of the latest updates and improvements that are released for Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, which may fix bugs, add features, or enhance performance.

What are the alternatives to downloading Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

If you want to use Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum legally and safely, you have some alternatives to downloading it with crack. Some of them are:

  • You can buy a license for Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum from the official website of Anvsoft Inc., the company that develops it. You can choose between different plans and prices according to your needs and budget.
  • You can download a free trial version of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum from the official website of Anvsoft Inc. You can use it for 30 days without any limitation or obligation. After that, you can decide whether to buy a license or not.
  • You can look for other software programs that offer similar features and functions as Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum, but that are free or cheaper. You can compare their advantages and disadvantages and choose the one that suits you best.

How to update Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

If you want to update Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website of Dotoninge and look for the latest version of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack that is available.
  2. Download the file that contains the update and extract it with WinRAR or any other program that can handle RAR files.
  3. Open the folder and run the file called “AnvSoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Update.exe” to start the update process.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the serial number that is provided in the folder.
  5. When the update is complete, you can run Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum from your desktop or start menu and enjoy the latest version with all its features without limitations.

How to uninstall Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

If you want to uninstall Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the start menu and click on “Control Panel”.
  2. Click on “Programs and Features” or “Uninstall a Program”.
  3. Look for Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack in the list of programs and click on it.
  4. Click on “Uninstall” or “Change/Remove”.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen and confirm that you want to uninstall Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack.
  6. Wait for the uninstallation process to finish and close the window.
  7. Delete the folder where you installed Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\AnvSoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58.
  8. Delete any shortcut or icon of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack that you have on your desktop or start menu.

How to create a web album with Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

One of the features of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack is that it allows you to create a web album with your photo slideshows. A web album is a collection of web pages that display your photo slideshows online. You can share your web album with your friends and family by sending them the link or embedding it on your website or blog. To create a web album with Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create your photo slideshow as usual by adding photos, videos, music, transitions, themes, etc.
  2. Click on the Publish button and choose the Web Album mode.
  3. Choose a template for your web album from the list of options.
  4. Customize the settings of your web album, such as the title, description, keywords, background color, etc.
  5. Click on the Create button and wait for the program to generate your web album.
  6. Preview your web album by clicking on the Preview button and check if everything is OK.
  7. Upload your web album to your own server or to a free hosting service by clicking on the Upload button and entering the FTP information.
  8. Copy the URL of your web album and share it with your friends and family.

How to create a video slideshow with Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack?

Another feature of Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack is that it allows you to create a video slideshow with your photo slideshows. A video slideshow is a video file that plays your photo slideshows on any device that supports video playback. You can share your video slideshow with your friends and family by burning it to a disc, transferring it to a USB drive, uploading it to YouTube, etc. To create a video slideshow with Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create your photo slideshow as usual by adding photos, videos, music, transitions, themes, etc.
  2. Click on the Publish button and choose the Video File mode.
  3. Choose a format for your video slideshow from the list of options, such as MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, etc.
  4. Customize the settings of your video slideshow, such as the resolution, frame rate, bitrate, audio quality, etc.
  5. Click on the Create button and wait for the program to convert your photo slideshow into a video file.
  6. Preview your video slideshow by clicking on the Preview button and check if everything is OK.
  7. Save your video slideshow to your computer or burn it to a disc by clicking on the Save or Burn button.
  8. Share your video slideshow with your friends and family by playing it on any device that supports video playback.


In this article, we have shown you how to download Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack, a software program that allows you to create stunning photo slideshows with music, transitions, effects, and more. We have also explained what Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack is, what are its features, system requirements, benefits, risks, alternatives, and how to use, update, uninstall, create a web album, and create a video slideshow with it. We hope that this information has been useful and helpful for you. However, we also recommend that you consider buying a license for Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum from the official website of Anvsoft Inc., as this will give you more security, reliability, support, and updates. Anvsoft Photo Slideshow Maker Platinum 5.58 Crack is a powerful and versatile software that can help you to create amazing photo slideshows with ease. Try it today and see the difference!


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