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It was the only version that recognised the 64-bit Mac I bought, the version 11 doesn’t work with the version 10 of 64-bit Mac, but the 32-bit version does.


It looks like you got a 32-bit installer because you got a 32-bit Mac?
Your Mac can recognize (and use) 64-bit executables if the system is 64-bit. At the time you installed, your Mac was a 32-bit Mac. To be able to use a 64-bit executable on your Mac, you must download a 32-bit version of your software.
For a Windows installation, they usually have a “32-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8” because these executables are also compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. However, the CCleaner deb you linked to says that it supports both 32-bit and 64-bit, so all it says is, “The following programs can be installed on Windows XP and later.”
Checking your Mac again, it does look like you got a 32-bit Mac. That explains why it recognized a 32-bit executable.


Intermittent error in post request

I am sending a post request to server through ajax jquery.I have used jQuery.serialize().
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The main reason behind the failure is that the Devkit v7.51.0 is installed on the target system and this is because it could not find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DevStudio\3.1 directory on the target system. By default, the Devkit installs the DevStudio applications and DFM files in the SYSTEM32\DevStudio\3.1 directory because that folder exists on x86 systems by default. We are selecting the default location for the DevStudio applications and DFM files because we want it to be located on the x86 target system.
To resolve this issue, we need to uninstall the Devkit from the target system. In an ideal world, we would just disable DevStudio and wait for new updates. Unfortunately, that is not possible as DevStudio does require a specific Windows update to be installed for it to function.

Firstly, we need to uninstall the Devkit from the target system (which is Windows 8.1).

Go to the Windows Control Panel.

Double click on the Programs option.

Click on the Uninstall a Program option.

Find the Devkit in the list of programs and click on it.

Click on the OK button.

You should see the following message:

Do you want to uninstall this program?

Click on the OK button.

You should see the following message:

The following programs will be uninstalled:

Click on the OK button.

You should see the following message:

Then, open the Device Manager.

Select the name of the Devkit you just uninstalled from the list of installed devices.

Double click on the device to open the properties.

Click on the Driver tab.

Click on the Update Driver button.

Update drivers if required (click on the default driver).

Wait until the process is complete.

Reboot the system.

After the system has rebooted successfully, we need to re-install the Devkit on the target system as follows:

Go to the Windows Control Panel.

Double click on the Programs option.

Click on the Add a program or game option.

Find the Devkit in the list of programs and click on it.

Click on the OK button.

Wait until the process is complete.

Reboot the system.

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