Broadcast server-push popup alerts to subscriber desktops.
Runs continuously in background and pops up notifications from site inside an ordinary browser window.
Any webpage that is using RSS or other syndication can add this applicaiton as an enhanced server-push notification system.
Useful for:
■ Sending alerts
■ Creating subscription services
■ Conducting proactive marketing
■ Syndication (instead or addition to RSS)
■ Updating status
■ Posting message of the day (MOTD)
■ Internet access
■ JavaScript
■ Allows for experimentation and familiarization but will not compile a final DAIRGram
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This application will create a DAIRGram with the aim of send to subscriber desktops
■ Email service is already set up to send email alerts and you want to expand that
■ Example is not used
■ Key-value pairs
■ Cookie Storage
■ Network redirects
Small snippets a la assembly language, and so is C#. C# is native assembly language – steve-howard
“So once C# becomes fully compatible with C++ and Java in terms of compilation
and JITting, it will probably be my first choice for cross-platform applications
in C++ and Java.”
I find this a bit disconcerting. It’s like he’s saying, “I’m just going to use
C# because it’s better than C++ and Java.” There’s a huge difference between
using something because it is _compatible_ with something else (which C# is)
and using it _because_ it is better than something else (and that might not be
the case).
I don’t like that. In particular: which of that pair is “fully compatible with
C++ and Java”?
That said, I do somewhat like this: Java and C# are pretty great languages.
My personal bias is that the best language for performing tasks on which the
competition runs like a quadratic search is C#. This is somewhat because I’ve
been building C# applications for a while. It is probably also in part because
I’ve known a number of programmers who are very, very good at this sort of
thing. My personal opinion on whether that means I have a better product than
my competitors is probably “no”, because I have the benefit of automated unit
testing for a significant portion of my codebase. I expect the same of my
competitors and so would be lying if I said they don’t have that benefit
As a programmer (1) still learning C#, I already feel it is way better than
Java, and (2) as someone who used to use assembly, I feel it’s a step in a
good direction.
The constructs C# takes from the C family are natural for me
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DAIRGram is a zero code dash accelerator that creates a desktop notification from an RSS feed.
It functions as an RSS subscription service which allows you to monitor updates to the most important feeds from your favorite websites.
Elegant GUI, it gives you notifications on incoming posts like Facebook, Twitter, and others.
DAIRGram is a business tool and a feature-rich RSS tool and no setup is needed. There are no prerequisites as it can run on any modern PC.
■ Works as an RSS subscription service
■ Desktop notifications
■ Multiple feeds
■ Real time compatibility
■ Much more to come
How it Works:
Simply add RSS feeds to DAIRGram RSS subscription service. Don’t know how to do it? Read our tutorial here, and if you still have questions send us a message on our support channel.
You can subscribe to any site you want and DAIRGram will notify you as soon as a new post is posted. It is designed to run as a desktop application, working inside a web browser.
Fully customizable Zoho IDE. Works as a desktop IDE. Free.
Fully customizable Zoho IDE. Works as a desktop IDE. Free.
Zoho IDE is a free, open source, web based development environment that allows users to create professional quality applications using a variety of languages including PHP, ASP, Coldfusion, Perl, Java, JSP, SQL, COBOL, Databases and Machine Code.
The system is designed to give web-based developers a better understanding of the web and how to build large scale, interactive applications.
Timeline based blog for WordPress. With last update plugins are added
Timeline based blog for WordPress. With last update plugins are added
Timeline based blog for WordPress. With last update plugins are added
This blog is fully embedded in wordpress, so you can only add to the timeline blog at your blog’s dashboard.
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Efficient image thumbnail carousel with gallery slider for WordPress
Efficient image thumbnail carousel with gallery slider for WordPress
Efficient image thumbnail carousel with gallery slider for WordPress
You can activate this module with plugin manager
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DAIRGram Free Download
Stripes technology allows you to create DAIRGrams that take your entire website and push the DAIRGram “live” on your website, bypassing the normal navigation and end-user view.
DAIRGrams are an easier, quicker, and more concise way to communicate the status and changes of a website to your end-user.
The DAIRGram is an an HTML (or Flash) based image. You can update the DAIRGram on your website through a.cgi script or by manually editing the DAIRGram image on your server.
You must update the DAIRGram when any new information becomes available.
If the DAIRGram does not update when the new information becomes available, it should be logged as a bug in the system.
DAIRGram Purpose:
To create the DAIRGram (Direct Analogue Interview Reporting Gram, or I’m a Reporter Gram for those unfamiliar with the DAIR term) and set up.cgi scripts to update the DAIRGram when your site adds new content or information.
DAIRGram Description:
DAIRGram is a term for a information form, usually an image, where information is written, drawn, or drawn and written in a form that is analog in nature.
The term is most associated with information from the internet, but DAIRGram is originally a term used for sketches used for interviewing, where each picture is a question and there is no correct answer, and the interviewer (or the person being interviewed) isn’t sure of the right answer.
By expanding on the information found in a question form, DAIRGrams are used to get real time and real time information from a website and used as alerts in the mail or through e-mail, and updates when new content is added to the site.
A typical DAIRGram looks like this:
Dairgram Description:
Dairgram is an intensive service for analyzing information into “chunks” or “nodes”. This helps to create a DAIRGram or DAIR. Dairgram is an American term.
A Dairgram is a non-formal summary or analysis of a set of data, a progress report or analysis of a time-series. A DAIRGram is like a Dairgram, but with longer/more detailed text.
A DAIRGram can be considered a counterpoint
What’s New in the?
■ In operation, DAIRGram catches DAIRLINK or DAIRGAM status, modifies the appropriate cells, and then transfers this content to the subscriber’s Local Icons in their RSS reader program. In the background, DAIRGram retrieves the DAIRLINK or DAIRGAM data and then compiles it into an XML Document for data post and download. Once transmitted, DAIRGram puts this newly compiled document into the subscriber’s Local Icons. In operation, DAIRGram only communicates with the subscriber’s local Icons and has no access to the global DAIRGrams.
DAIRGram Enrichment Links
Subscriber-Side Tutorial
Subscriber Demographics
Additional Resources
Other DAIRGram Resources
Sample DAIRGram Script
Additional Information
View our website at
■ Subscriber-Side Tutorial:
■ Subscriber Demographics:
■ Documentation:
■ License:
■ Contact:
■ Additional Resources:
■ Sample DAIRGram Script:
■ Other DAIRGram Resources:
Additional DAIRGram Resources
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Client-Side Tutorial
Subscriber Demographics
Client-Side Demo
Client-Side Demo
Client-Side Demo
Client-Side Demo
Client-Side Demo
Client-Side Demo
Subscriber Demographics
Client-Side Tutorial
System Requirements:
How to Install:
Download and Install the Softpedia Installer.
Select Install.
Select Install the software.
Wait for the installation to be complete.
Run the software.
You may find a few pre-requisite softwares on your machine and you may need to install them first. Here are the pre-requisite softwares:
System Requirements: