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The VCU Medical Center (VCUMC) is an academic medical center based in the Downtown area of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. The hospital is a teaching affiliate of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, and is a Level I trauma center accredited by the American College of Surgeons.

VCUMC is an associate teaching hospital of the VCU Medical College of Virginia. The Medical Center is part of Virginia Health System, whose hospitals and clinics are based in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads.


VCU Medical Center traces its origins to the founding of the State Institute of Medicine in 1847 by the State Board of Medical Officers. In 1949, the State Institute became the Medical College of Virginia, and in 1992, it merged with the Medical College of Hampton Roads (MCHR), to form VCU Medical College.

The Medical Center opened in May 1969, when the state’s only college of medicine offered its first class, admitting 58 students to its first class of 69.

In the early 1970s, space constraints at the Medical Center led to the development of other academic institutions on the university’s campus. In 1972, the VCU School of Dentistry was founded in a building on the university’s Correlated Health Sciences Campus. In 1974, the School of Nursing was founded in downtown Virginia Beach. In 1983, VCU’s School of Allied Health Professions was founded in downtown Virginia Beach and was preceded by allied health programs offered by the College of Medicine.

In 1990, VCU Medical Center became a member of the Virginia-Maryland Regional Medical Authority (VMRMA), a regional healthcare planning agency funded by the state, with additional funding from the federal government. The VMRMA oversees the region’s two hospitals, Virginia Hospital Center in Norfolk and VCU Medical Center in Virginia Beach.

In 1997, the Medical Center was recognized as a Magnet hospital by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, which identifies hospitals that combine excellence in nursing with high standards of

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