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Terrigal at Terrigal Weir, also known as Mckell’s Weir, is a heritage-listed farm property at Donegal Bay Road, Terrigal, City of Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia. It was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999.

The site is rectangular with steeply sloping land which follows a rocky ridge. The semi-natural former open space contains a vegetated swale along the top of the ridge; native trees include willow, silky oat grass, sweet gums and black box.

The site is located on the Pacific Highway north of Terrigal, in an area dedicated as a Regional Park. Access is via a short track that runs on the eastern side of the weir.

The area around the Terrigal Weir was originally open grazing land. The present weir was built about 1950 and has been in operation since then. The weir has been altered three times (1981, 1984 and 1991). The site was first acquired by the NSW Department of Lands in 1983.

It is associated with a variety of activities related to the weir including the construction, operation, extension and maintenance of its structures, dredging and relicensing.

Heritage listing
“Terrigal at Terrigal Weir” is a farm site with timber and stockyards dating from the 1850s. The items of significance are:
The structure–cM7_uf9fSI7j6mP_kMdeSf

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