Site like (S-Video Converter) is made for Windows users who want to convert videos, change the pixel resolution, color depth, and bitrate and output to DVD media (DVD writer and capture cards). Besides that, it also has an Audio Encoder, Audio Demuxer, Audio Stream Extractor, Audio Decoder, Video Encoder, Video Demuxer.
S-Video Converter is free for 30 days then requiring registration. Please download it first and try it before you buy it.

This is a simple, clean and professional download site. Which has the following features, Random, Freeware, The Best, The Hits, The Popular, and so on, so your expectations will be met. Using, “default”, you can get many apps, games, themes, icons and other programs.

Here, it claims to have the biggest collection of cracked software, and among the best quality. It’s got a decent looking front page, very well laid out, but some pages just don’t load properly. We’ll do a test, and tell you if its good or not.

The HotWare download page takes a few seconds to open, but looks great when it does! They sell games, but not all of them are cracked, and you need to register to download. Paid registration is no problem! They also make sure that the sellers meet the requirements for uploading, which is a great feature, when you come to download. Most of the sellers on their site do this, the problem is that we can’t see this easily, so that’s something we would recommend checking.

You might expect a site like this to be in the top 10, as it is one of the most popular, but it’s not the best. It’s not looking too good at the moment, and we don’t want people to be conned by the name, because theres loads of other stuff on there as well. Not only that, but the interface is inconsistent, and has a variety of other problems.


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