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Well, I have a pixmap stored in an unsigned char* and I need to convert it into a t_pixmap* that I can make use of to draw on the screen.
I have tried the following:
t_pixmap* pix = (t_pixmap*)(new t_uchar*[file.nOfPix]);
pixmap = (t_pixmap*)(new t_pixmap)(groot, 20, 20);
t_pixmap* pix = (t_pixmap*)(new t_pixmap);
pixmap = (t_pixmap*)(new t_pixmap);

All these declarations fail; the first one with an assertion failure at runtime, the second with an assertion failure at compile time, and the third two have an assertion failure at compile time. The t_pixmap_setg/set() and t_pixmap_setc/set() methods can be used as a failsafe to initialize to an empty (but t_pixmap_find() returns a valid pointer) but those methods are expected to be a compile time function so no guarantees there.
So how can I allocate a t_pixmap* that I can use to store a pixmap on the screen?


t_pixmap must be allocated the same way as any other type of allocation — you can’t use new or malloc. It’s explicitly mentioned as a special case of allocation in section 4.5.5 in the manual.
The documentation for t_pixmap is found in the pixmap support directory.


t_pixmap, like any type of pointer, must be allocated like any other type of pointer. It is also a derived type of t_pixmap_set, so all the same rules apply: you can’t use new or malloc, and you can’t pass the returned pointer to free or delete.
The t_pixmap_set methods exist to make allocating t_pixmaps much easier.


Why can’t I use std::array as the last element in a std::initializer_list?

Given the following code:
std::array arr = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

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