Swiffer is still in an early phase of development
Here are some key features of “Swiffer”:
■ List the tags in a SWF file.
■ Display header information like the frame rate and size in pixels.
■ Delete any tag and ‘save as’ the file.


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Apparatuses and methods for discovering, retrieving and tagging lost items, a picture file showing which assets may be needed to play the game. The apparatus, in a preferred embodiment, comprises an input device for receiving input regarding at least one lost item having at least one associated tag, such as a name, a date, a date code, a house number, or any other tag provided by the user or an automated device. The input device receives this information and passes it to a database. The database stores a list of tags for various articles of a house. The input device collects tags and provides them to the database in response to input from a user. The database determines, based on the tags received, whether the lost item matches any items associated with tags, such as a set of furniture. The database provides a list of those items which may be needed to play the game. In a preferred embodiment, when a user plays a game, the apparatus determines if all assets needed to play the game have been collected and is ready to play.
Further, when the assets are out of date and need to be updated, the apparatus may provide a link to a web site which has the updated list.
The database can be stored on a server. The server can be accessed through the Internet, through a local network connection, through a dial up connection, or through an access point. Each time a user plays the game, the assets needed are read from the database and stored locally on the user’s computer.
The input device receives input as soon as the user buys and installs the game. The input device also has a button for deleting tags from the database. The input device may have its own wireless input device, such as a wireless mouse.
The input device may be designed such that it provides a guide to users so they can enter the information about the lost item and enter a tag. The input device can also be a keyboard or a control panel.
What we claim:
The X-axis direction is a natural reference for a flat surface or a wall, such as a wall of a house.
X-axis and Y-axis directions are standard geometric directions as known by those skilled in the art.
A frame of a computer video screen is oriented in X-axis direction. The Y-axis direction is perpendicular to the X-axis direction. (A quadrant is defined as the fourth quadrant, which is the part of the plane where X>0 and Y>0.)
The X-axis direction is a


■ Add a vector image of the Swiffer Cracked Version logo to the header and display it in the right hand corner.
■ List all the frames in a SWF file with frame rate and size in pixels displayed.
■ Allow the user to delete a tag and save it to a SWF file.
■ Assign a keyboard shortcut to the command to switch between the edit and write modes.
■ Remove the default background color and background image.
User Interface Sketches:
The user interface for Swiffer is optimized for graphical tablets and touch-enabled handheld devices.
Swiffer runs as a Windows application, so it displays a taskbar button which, when clicked, opens the Swiffer application.
The Swiffer application consists of two primary forms: The Swiffer Application Editor and the Swiffer Application Write window.
The Swiffer Application Editor serves as a way to enter tags or delete tags, and to change the background image and
The application is organized into tag sections to make editing tags easier.

For example:

The tags represent the sprites in a SWF file. Each tag has an attribute called “if:” which is True or False for conditional coding.
The conditional coding is used to define whether the currently selected sprite is visible or hidden.
For example:

■ Draw sketch for UI.
■ Draw sketch for action recorder and related controllers.
■ Draw sketches for the sprites in a SWF file.
Swiffer Design and Development:
Swiffer is an Adobe Flash ActionScript3.0 project built on the Adobe Flash Platform.
■ The project is in the early stages of development

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Swiffer is a Flash/ActionScript 2.0 program for creating
your own Swiffer tag frame (short Flash movie) that contains
information that can be rendered in a SWF. Swiffer tag frames
(short Flash movies) are used to show advertising or for other
purposes in order to reduce the amount of data to transfer to
the client. All information provided to the client in the
Swiffer tag frame is cached to make the site load faster.
As Swiffer is not supported at all by Firefox and some of its
swf loader (js, etc…) are not in use, it is strongly
suggested not to use Swiffer on Firefox or on WebKit
But, it is *not* an uninstallable action.
However, Swiffer is a complete ‘education-friendly’ game.
On the other hand, Open Source, Swiffer is based on Free
Software and Open Source tools (as well as made
application-agnostic, [of course].
Swiffer’s concept is that: “It’s to specify what is important
to you”.
You are empowered to freely set your own mind.
Among other things:
■ Freely adjusting to your own tastes.
■ Simple to create your own swf tag.
■ Easy to create and customize.
■ To show you ads.
■ To show you programs, guides, maps, etc.
■ To add value to your website.
■ To create a mass of tags.
■ Tag settings can be specified as “general” or “short”.
■ Your own Swiffer tag is enabled when the Flash player runs.
■ Your Swiffer tag is enabled when the browser loads.
Swiffer ‘information’ has been put together for the point of
view that:
■ The Swiffer tag is not a ‘virtualization’.
■ It has information about important things.
Swiffer tag example:
// Swiffer
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;

What’s New in the?

The script lets you use Swiffer-like swipes to simulate different actions. You can create a timer and set the amount of time to wait between swipes. You can also control whether or not a swipe must be executed on the final frame in the sequence.
SWFObject v1.2.4-1 is required for Swiffer.
To run the script, you need to edit it to your liking and save it as a SWF file (rename it to “swift.swf”). Then upload the SWF file to your web server. Once the SWF file is live, use your web browser’s “Download” function to download “swift.swf”.
To run, open the SWF file with a browser. To simulate a swipe, click the link “Hand Swipe” or “Air Hand Swipe”.
You can control the speed at which your imaginary swipes occur.
To stop the “swipe” sequence, hold down the “ctrl” key (command on Mac) and press the “o” key (option on Mac). Then you can use the “left”, “right” or “air swipe” links.
To delete a tag, press the “del” key or make a comment on the tag line by typing a ‘#’ at the end. To save the SWF file, press the “save” button.
If you would like help getting started, please contact me.

Originally posted by Sabreblade11

Patch 1.30 on 06.16.2010

Click here for more information:

The 2.0 patch will be released after the forum have been updated and in the OP.


Check the FAQ below for further info.

Edit: After we’ve updated the forum with 1.30, we’ll be updating the OP with 2.0 patch to clear all these broken links.


EU Version

1. Download the EU file:

2. Install the game using your extractor

3. Install all needed mods using Nexus Mod Manager

4. Open “My Documents\Star Wars Battlefront” folder

5. Find the “\StarWars Battlefront\Key

System Requirements:

PC Recommended System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
Mac OSX v10.6+
A minimum Mac OSX version of 10.6 is required for the Mac OSX version of the game to function. All Macintosh games require macOS 10.6.8 or newer, but games requiring macOS 10.8 or newer may require the latest version of macOS.
Windows 8.1+
Windows 8.0 or newer (Windows 7, Vista, and XP are no longer supported) is recommended. Windows XP users will not be able





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