SQueAl is a software application for executing SQL statements on database connections, and viewing and editing the resulting data. It is similar to SQL Server’s Query Analyzer, Oracle’s SQL Plus or Access’s Queries tab – each of which serve this purpose only for their associated DBMS. SQueAl is a generic application that works with almost any database, and offers a number of useful features that put it in a league of its own. SQueAl is a free alternative, and in many cases a better option, to these tools. SQueAl uses ADO, which uses OLE DB, which is capable of using ODBC – enabling it to connect to a vast range of data sources, right from full-scale DBMS’s like Oracle and SQL Server down to plain-text CSV files. Most applications written today use OLE DB or ODBC; which means that the way a query works under SQueAl will be close to the way it works from your application. This makes SQueAl a great tool to analyse (debug) as well as synthesise (prepare) queries used in your application. SQueAl is meant for use mainly by software professionals – or amateurs for that matter. In particular, it will benefit software developers and students. But it is easy to use even for administrators, support executives and the slightly-above-average non-phobic home user. SQueAl expects that you know a sufficient amount of SQL. It has features for quickly building the most common SQL statements, but these are aimed more at laying the foundation of more complex queries, than at helping you get around without knowing any SQL: there are no grid-like ‘design views’ where you choose each of the fields in a query from combo boxes. There are no features to graphically design database objects like tables, or display execution plans, etc. – you need to use SQL for all tasks. What SQueAl does is give you the space to work with all the SQL statements you want. Its most useful features are the ones for executing queries and viewing, editing and converting data. Purists may frown upon the ad hoc execution of queries and use of data editing features from an ‘out-of-process’ tool. But in practice, this is often needed: simply because no interface has been developed for certain procedures (typically management of configuration data and other tasks not in the purview of end users) or when the ‘real’ system is not working properly.







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The Basics: SQueAl has been designed to work with any database, and offers many features for working with the data that is retrieved from these databases. The overall layout of the interface is similar to that of other generic tools like Excel’s Query Wizard or Google’s Mashup Editor, with lots of fields for entering SQL queries or filters. As SQueAl processes your query, it lists out individual fields, allowing you to easily remove them, or reorder them. SQueAl’s main window is split into 3 areas. The top row of fields contains the key information about the currently stored query (including a description, the database to connect to, the hostname, and port). Below this, fields on the left side show the columns returned by the query. The data in the query is shown in a grid – and each cell can be manually edited. Below this, there is a section which shows the results of executing the current query. The results of queries will typically be stored in the top window, while their execution is shown in the bottom window. In addition, SQueAl has a ‘left-pane’ which contains a ‘preview’ of the current query, with the result of the query shown in the top window and the database objects and fields selected by the user shown in the left-pane. Where SQueAl really shines is in the area of data editing. This is illustrated by the screenshots below, which show the ‘preview’ pane: Left pane in SQueAl showing 4 columns, each of which has different field types, or’ref’ types. Each of these fields, ‘Type’ on the right, can contain data – be a text string, or a number, or a date – depending on the actual data in the underlying database. The result of the query can be ‘visualized’ (see yellow box) by ‘decoding’ the data. This means that each field of the data will be written to a separate file, and the file returned to SQueAl. These files can then be opened in a spreadsheet, text editor, or even be seen as either a picture or a graph. The use of these so-called ‘decoded’ files is very flexible. The user can visually view and edit their own data. The left pane showing all 4 fields of the data returns can be quickly copied and pasted to a new query using SQueAl’s EditQuery window. The speed in which data can be modified is

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SQueAl is a free alternative to Oracle’s SQL Plus, and the free equivalent of Access Query Designer SQueAl comes with an editor with syntax highlighting, and features for easily creating queries for the most common data source types. SQueAl has a powerful syntax highlighting engine. SQueAl can also convert data from one type to another. For example, it converts CSV text files to MS Access table. SQueAl can also convert a table of records into XSD (the standard XML schema format), a language that can be used for storing data in XML format. SQueAl can convert an MS Access table to XML, and export it into a delimited CSV file. SQueAl has a command-line mode, which means that a script may be run from the command line and its output captured in a file. This mode is mostly useful for server-side scripts – for example, for running automated tests using SQL. SQueAl has a command-line interface, available on Windows. This mode is primarily meant for use on Windows, and is otherwise kept out of the GUI. SQueAl has an integrated HTTP server, allowing it to create and connect to a local (or remote) database. This allows SQueAl to be used as a local-only database for developer and QA. SQueAl has an integrated LDAP server, allowing it to make remote connections. SQueAl has ADO (a database access layer based on the OLE DB protocol), making it capable of supporting nearly any database. SQueAl has object tracking, which allows you to track all relevant database objects – for example, it can track tables, views, triggers and functions. This tracking can be used for tracking DDL operations (such as creating a table, adding a column to a table, etc.) SQueAl can record SQL statements you type (and optionally execute them). You can view this ‘history’ in the ‘Log/History’ dialog. SQueAl can run scripts to generate or alter database objects, and even remove them. SQueAl has a ‘Comprehensive Database’ system, allowing you to define entire databases of queries – useful for software development, or when trying to find the correct SQL. SQueAl has SQLite support – allowing you to store queries as text files (SQLite is a lightweight ‘database’ that supports rapid development by 2f7fe94e24

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SQueAl is an ad hoc command-line program for executing SQL statements and viewing, editing and converting data on database connections. It enables you to examine the results of a query, and quickly modify the statement itself. It also converts the results of queries to any other format supported by the DBMS in use. SQueAl is an extremely lightweight command-line tool that executes queries on a connection, and then displays the results. It can be used to debug or analyze queries, prepare and execute user-defined functions, as well as generate and convert data to other formats. It uses the ODBC environment and OLEDB to interface with databases. SQueAl’s unique features and features may be summarised as follows: – Multi-user connections for multiple simultaneous executions; – Command line processing; – Executing/debugging queries; – Viewing, editing and converting data; – Saving execution results for later use; – Scripting support. SQueAl can be used in one of two modes: – ‘Interactive’ mode, in which case it displays results in an editable form (like SQL Plus); and – ‘Non-interactive’ mode, in which case it executes a prepared query. SQueAl’s interface is very intuitive. It supports queries against Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access, ODBC, OLE DB, OpenLink, and probably other databases. SQueAl for Database Management System admins and developers: SQueAl is a fairly straightforward tool for system administration. It has a main menu in which you can find the three main modes: query view, query execution, and editing. As such, SQueAl is a command-line tool. Although you can, if you wish, use it interactively (e.g. use command-line switches to open a connection and view results), it is far more convenient to use it in non-interactive mode. In the ‘query view’ mode, SQueAl enables you to view the results of a query. It shows how much data (as of when the query was run) was returned, the number of rows and more. It’s just like running an SQL statement in SQL Server’s management tools or accessing the results from a query window in SQL Plus. The ‘query execution’ mode executes the same query as the query view mode. The two features are combined for both speed (especially useful if you have

What’s New in the SQueAl?

SQueAl is meant to simplify the process of development, debugging, editing and design of stored queries. It is meant to make life easier for users of SQL: it has a built-in environment for quickly building queries, and editors for browsing, editing, previewing, previewing, searching, printing, validating, converting and executing queries. It focuses more on being an editor and run-time processor for you own queries than on helping you build new ones. SQueAl uses a highly modifiable graphical user interface (GUI), based on a tabbed design and live in-line editing. This makes it easy to design and preview queries. It supports a set of converters for importing and exporting data. It supports named selections and explicit SQL-level parameterisation of queries. It provides a very nice preview window where you can edit queries and browse data, and can see the results immediately. And it can be used for multiple queries, making it easy to process several queries together, or to compare them. The feature set has been designed so that it is easy to use – even if you know no SQL. SQueAl does not try to hide any of the SQL, nor to ‘force’ the user into using its own query syntax: the syntax is always that of the current DBMS you are working with. This means that if you use SQL Server, you will be using its syntax, and so on. This also means that if you are used to another DBMS, you can use that syntax immediately, without needing to learn SQueAl’s syntax first. SQueAl is not new – it was first released in 2000. The interface has changed only slightly in that time, and it works exactly the same as it did then, and will continue to work the same in the future. Pricing and Features: SQueAl is free to use – you can download it from or from any of the many other public download sites. SQueAl is licensed under a liberal open-source licence, and updates, fixes and new features will come available as they become available, without any payment to the developer. SQueAl is free for personal use, and SQueAl Pro for wider use – including commercial use. SQueAl Pro is not cheap: it costs US$50 for a 3-month subscription and US$50 for an annual subscription. If the price does not seem that much, please note that SQueAl


System Requirements For SQueAl:

Minimum: OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E8400, AMD Phenom II X3 720, AMD Athlon II X4 640 Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 3.2 compatible NVIDIA® GeForce 8600 GTS, Radeon HD 2600, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 DirectX: Version 9.0c Network: Broadband Internet connection Additional Notes: The game is designed to be played at high resolutions





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