About WeMade Entertainment Ltd. (“weMade”):

WeMade Entertainment Ltd. is a company which started business in 2014 and is engaged in the production and distribution of games on mobile phones, home gaming consoles, such as Nintendo Switch™ and Switch TV™, smartphones and computers. We Made Entertainment is a subsidiary of Italian SRL Makenk, S.r.l, the group which was founded in 2012 and is specialized in software development for mobile platforms. Our games are integrated with service platforms such as advertising, social, and communication services.

Makenk S.r.l. is located in Milano and its activity is focused on mobile and online game development and services. The Group S.r.l. also operates in Logistic, Consulting, Sales and Marketing and has operations in the US.

WeMade (wemade.com) was established in 2014 in partnership with Makenk S.r.l., in order to develop the best game possible. Together, weMade and Makenk strive to create quality mobile games with a deep story, engaging gameplay and online services that will be fun to play.

© 2019 WeMade Inc. All rights reserved.

“WeMade” and “WeMade GAME” are trademarks or registered trademarks of WeMade Entertainment Ltd. in the US and other countries.

“BOTH” are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Nintendo Co., Ltd. in Japan and other countries. “The Legend of Zelda” is a trademark or registered trademark of Nintendo in Japan and other countries. The use of the word “The” in “The Legend of Zelda” is a registered trademark of Nintendo in Japan and other countries.

© 2019 Makenk S.r.l. All rights reserved.Q:

how do I start the service in background

I am using this code to start service using Alarm Manager. but when I click the button the service is stopped immediately. I want the service to be running in background even when the app is in background.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Button btnAlarm;
String TAG = “alarm”;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Elden Ring Features Key:

  • Fantasy action game built on the Unreal Engine
  • Authentic ambient soundtrack
  • Multiplayer as well as single-player
  • Equipable weapons, armor and magic
  • More than 450 skills and skills combine weapons, armor and magic
  • Character appearance customization system
  • Text and graphics dialogues to convey the storyline
  • Detailed dungeons and massive outdoor maps with an open world map that allows travel to dangerous locations
  • A system with formation commands allows you to direct powerful teamwork attacks
  • 3 different game worlds divided into three zones including a campaign
  • Choose your own adventure with more than 15 chapters
  • Accessory items and potions, various side quests
  • Bosses and customization of your own
  • Latest Version:

    • Java SE version 1.6 (current) support.
      Plan to release a version with version 1.7
    • 1.45Mb

    This is an early build of the final product so some of the features are still being implemented or are as-of-yet unfinished. You’ll be able to enjoy the final product if you download the latest product available on our website.

    The beta-version is build on a new platform and the game is still under construction. The application is likely to crash and …

    The beta-version is build on a new platform and the game is still under construction. The application is likely to crash and bugs may appear. We apologize for this.
    We are sorry for all the problems and will do our best to release a solid version as soon as possible.

    The beta-version is build on a new platform and the game is still under construction. The application is likely to crash and bugs may appear. We apologize for this.
    We are sorry for all the problems and will do our best to release a solid version as soon as possible.

    The beta-version is build on a new platform and the game is still under construction. The application


    Elden Ring Torrent (Activation Code) Download

    ※This content is a review of the game published by the publisher.

    ※Please make sure to never base decisions of whether to purchase a game on reviews of others.

    ※Comments or thoughts shared by a third party may not reflect my own. Please do not take them as fact and always verify your information with the publisher before purchasing a game.


    Hello, this is Sae.

    I am playing both the role of adventurer and a dungeon master in the new fantasy action RPG, Elden Ring Cracked 2022 Latest Version.

    I will share with you some impressions on this wonderful world that is fitting of a classic RPG while at the same time being fun.

    Rise and Tarnish

    Fall from grace, lose your way in the world

    I was a student of the academy and a novice adventurer.

    I wandered the Lands Between out of a sense of adventure while also being a member of the Akashi clan.

    Still, I could not defeat the Dark Scepter.

    I was defeated and turned into a monster.

    Falling from grace, lost in the world

    I was caught by various monsters, some of which resemble monsters of previous games.

    Still, I resisted them, absorbing the powers they had and drawing their strength into myself.

    In that state, I gradually lost my memory.

    I could not remember my friends, or my name, or my village.

    I felt hopeless and had no one to turn to.

    Then the Cracked Elden Ring With Keygen appeared.

    Since that moment, I have had the chance to live a life as an adventurer in the Lands Between.

    Grand Adventurer – Your Wandering Story

    Now I am an adventurer of the Elden Ring.

    Currently, I am a part-time adventurer, but my dream is to become an adventurer full-time.

    I will do my best to help all those in trouble.

    I will make it the key target of my life.

    I will travel the Lands Between, and I will help people.

    I want to spread the word of the Elden Ring in many places.

    Traveling the Lands Between

    There is the World Map of the Lands Between and the World Map of the Savant.

    If you are a Novice, however, you will first get to explore on the World Map of the Savant.

    In order


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    No stealing.Survey of healthcare practice on the day of accidental out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: lessons for the updated European Resuscitation Guidelines.
    Survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest has increased over the past 15 years but remains low, with only 5% of patients surviving to hospital discharge. While several recent studies have focused on the potential impact of the updated European Resuscitation Guidelines on survival, no study has analysed the impact of the Guideline on healthcare practice. We aimed to assess the day-of-arrest management and key interventions within the healthcare teams before and after the release of the European Resuscitation Guidelines. A retrospective study of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients presenting to 21 emergency medical service (EMS) agencies in a metropolitan region of Australia in 2009 and 2010. Patients were included if they were found to have an arrested heart in the field and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Data from 148 adult patients were analysed. The mean age of patients was 56.0 ± 20.6 years. Only 3 patients (2.1%) survived to hospital discharge. The median time between arrest and activation of EMS was 2.3 min (interquartile range [IQR]: 1.2-3.6 min). The median time between collapse and first documented rhythm was 7.0 min (IQR: 3.0-10.


    What’s new in Elden Ring:

    taj miragamedisc gamesKONAMIWorld of WarcraftReviewsReviewsSat, 05 Jul 2012 18:42:14 +0000Andrew Nesvold3187 at ALEX AND THE FATE OF ATLAS Review

    If one thing sticks out from the seemingly incessant variety of video game series to have fallen on the crack pipe of sixth sense, it’s the concept of a young protagonist — high school-aged or newer. Such a concept’s long-lived effectiveness is proven over and over by the plethora of My First School-like titles for the Game Boy, Game Gear, and DS, as well as the AMX and Neutron franchises. The most famous of which is the titular Alex, possibly the template for any young hero’s back story, running into a frightening foreign world and taking a figurative leap of faith to return to his home. Out of all of these stabs at this format, however, there may be no series that exists with a stronger message — simply “never let the given world inside you die!”

    South Korean developer Gamevil has returned to this formula with “AMAZING ALEX AND THE FATE OF ATLAS,” arriving on the App Store for $9.99 this week. The new title follows the same blueprint that Gamevil’s prior two titles take from the Alex mold — “The Amazing Alex” and “Jamestown 2012.” Both titles combined the classic amnesiac hero with a treacherous fantasy world led by tyrannical dictatorships: a man with the (readily distinguishable) ability to look back and remember his past doesn’t want to sacrifice the inevitable war between good and evil, even if it implies leaving his “toxic” hometown. That concept extends to Gamevil’s “The Amazing Alex” and “Gamevil Resurrection,” which both hit the App Store back in 2012. “Alex and the Fate of Atlantis” is honestly just a rebrand of these titles in new packaging for 2009, right down to some of the best lines in the game.

    “Alex has been kidnapped by a higher authority and is being forced into a war


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    Delphi: Native events to trigger other events

    I would like to know if there is a way to detect in an application which events are fired in another application. Like when i open an edit box in a certain application my edit box event is fired. It would be nice to trigger in my app other events without writing code for it. It is something like messaging between applications but not exactly what i mean.
    I am currently working with Delphi XE8 which supports IPowerMonitor and OMTimer events to detect when another application opens an edit box etc. But this way it is not native so it lacks accuracy.
    I hope someone can help me out with this issue. Thanks in advance.


    The best way for you to go is to create your own custom event, subclassing TObject, that can only be handled by your own application.
    Then, create a public method in your own package and code an OnEvent handler for it, that will call the method you wrote in the previous step.
    Then in another application, just register for it’s own OnEvent handler.
    This should work much better than what you are doing right now, since your current method is poll-based and will never be accurate.


    mySql Query return more than one record

    Hello I’m just a beginer and do not know much about SQL.
    My issue I’m facing is very simple.
    My end goal is to return all the records that belongs to a particular userID and then find the diffrent values among all users and display a list of them.
    My question is how can I display the diffrent values in one row
    for exmaple
    userID(10) has a value (3,5,4) how can i display this value in another line(as a header) and display the values in one line.
    I use this
    value FROM user,Waves
    WHERE wave.userID = 10;

    but it is not a good practice and does not work.


    No need of join since you are selecting from another table. You just need to select the ones which has the maximum value of the vales field
    SELECT name, value FROM waves
    WHERE userID = 10
    ORDER BY value DESC
    LIMIT 0,1


    How To Install and Crack Elden Ring:

  • Official Greenlight Page: [HERE] – [Link]
  • Facebook – [Link]
  • Twitter – [Link]
  • ElderNET – [Link]
  • Youtube – [Link]
  • en-gbTue, 31 Jan 2015 19:47:29 +0000TD_Chrono’s Marshmallow Rumors: Could They Actually be True?

    A large chunk of my daily activity revolves around creating



    System Requirements For Elden Ring:

    Windows XP (32-bit)
    Windows Vista (32-bit)
    Windows 7 (32-bit)
    Windows 8 (32-bit)
    Windows 10 (32-bit)
    Mac OS X 10.7 or later (32-bit)
    Mac OS X 10.8 or later (32-bit)
    Mac OS X 10.9 or later (32-bit)
    Mac OS X 10.10 or later (32-bit)
    OS: Windows XP SP3 (


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