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Using sudo and locate, how to exclude most recent files

I’m using sudo -H locate / -iname in a shell script to find files using locate:
sudo -H locate / -iname ‘image*’
sudo -H locate / -iname “image*”

What is the most efficient way to exclude most recent files while including, for instance, only files created in the current month?


The -v flag does this:
sudo -H locate / -iname ‘image*’ -v

The order of the paths given to locate is:

-v or –verbose: report a case-insensitive match
-l or –file-system-located: match file locations
-d or –descend: descend into directories
-i or –ignore-case: ignore case (case-sensitive) when searching files
-n or –names: report an exact match
-o or –only-matching: don’t report matches or tell why some matches
aren’t matched
-w or –word-regexp: use regular expression matching
-c or –context: limit a match in the file name to the context of a
directory name, file name, or pattern

The family of an elderly woman shot and killed by a police officer in her home had to bury their loved one on Wednesday as Harris County’s independent autopsy lab was unable to determine an official cause of death due to the condition of her remains.

Patti Critton suffered a gunshot wound to her abdomen Monday afternoon, and she was rushed to the hospital and declared dead at 5:52 p.m.

Harris County autopsies are run by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences (HCIFS), but family members and friends said they expect that the official cause of death will come from the Harris County Institute of Mental Health (HCIMH) and the Harris County

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