Download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11: A Novel That Challenges Your Beliefs

If you are looking for a novel that will make you question your faith, your morality, and your understanding of God, then you should download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 (The Devil Challenges God 11) by Da’ud ibn Tamam ibn Ibrahim al-Shawni. This novel is a provocative and controversial work that explores the nature of free will, divine justice, and human responsibility in the face of an omnipotent and omniscient God.

What is Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 about?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that consists of two stories: The Madness of God and The Man Who Have the Elephant. The first story is based on the Islamic tradition of Iblis (Satan) refusing to bow down to Adam, the first human, and being cursed by God. Iblis then accuses God of being unjust and cruel, and challenges Him to a trial. Iblis presents his arguments and evidence to prove that God is the source of all evil and suffering in the world, and that humans are helpless victims of His whims. He also claims that he is not responsible for his own rebellion, since he was only following God’s will.

The second story is about a man who has an elephant as a pet. He loves his elephant more than anything else, and treats it as his own child. However, one day, he discovers that his elephant has a tumor in its head, and that it will die soon. He tries to find a cure for his elephant, but he faces many obstacles and hardships along the way. He also questions God’s wisdom and mercy in creating such a creature that will inevitably suffer and die.

Why should you download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that will challenge your beliefs and make you think deeply about your relationship with God. It will also expose you to different perspectives and opinions on various theological and philosophical issues. The novel is written in a captivating and engaging style, with vivid descriptions and dialogues. The novel also incorporates elements of humor, irony, and satire to lighten up the mood and entertain the reader.

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is not a novel that will give you easy answers or solutions. It is a novel that will make you question everything you know and believe. It is a novel that will make you reflect on your own actions and choices. It is a novel that will make you appreciate the beauty and complexity of God’s creation.

How can you download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

If you are interested in reading this novel, you can download it from various online platforms. You can find the PDF version of the novel on Scribd, Academia, or other websites that offer free ebooks. You can also buy the paperback version of the novel on Amazon or other online bookstores. You can also read some reviews and ratings of the novel on Goodreads or other websites that offer book recommendations.

What are the main themes of Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that explores various themes related to religion, philosophy, and morality. Some of the main themes are:

  • The problem of evil: The novel addresses the question of why a good and powerful God allows evil and suffering to exist in the world. It also examines the role of human free will and responsibility in causing or preventing evil.
  • The nature of God: The novel challenges the traditional conception of God as a benevolent, wise, and just creator. It portrays God as a capricious, irrational, and cruel being who plays with His creation for His own amusement.
  • The role of Iblis: The novel depicts Iblis as a complex and sympathetic character who is not entirely evil or malicious. It shows Iblis as a loyal and obedient servant of God who was misled by His commands. It also shows Iblis as a rational and honest critic of God who exposes His flaws and contradictions.
  • The value of life: The novel illustrates the beauty and diversity of life through the story of the man and his elephant. It also shows the fragility and vulnerability of life through the story of the elephant’s illness and death. It raises the question of whether life has any meaning or purpose in a world governed by a whimsical and indifferent God.

Who is the author of Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is written by Da’ud ibn Tamam ibn Ibrahim al-Shawni, a pseudonym for an unknown author. The author’s identity and background are shrouded in mystery, and there is little information available about him or her. Some speculate that the author is an Egyptian writer who lived in the 20th century, while others suggest that the author is a collective name for a group of writers who collaborated on the novel.

What is known about the author is that he or she is well-versed in Islamic theology, history, and literature, as well as Western philosophy and culture. The author also has a unique and distinctive style of writing that combines humor, irony, satire, poetry, and dialogue. The author’s intention in writing the novel is not to attack or mock Islam or any other religion, but to stimulate critical thinking and dialogue among readers.

What are the reactions and reviews of Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that has received mixed reactions and reviews from readers and critics. Some have praised the novel for its originality, creativity, and courage in tackling sensitive and controversial topics. They have also appreciated the novel for its literary merit, its humor, and its insight into human nature and spirituality.

However, some have criticized the novel for its blasphemy, heresy, and disrespect towards God and Islam. They have also accused the novel of being misleading, confusing, and offensive to the faithful. They have also questioned the author’s motives, intentions, and credibility in writing the novel.

Regardless of the opinions and judgments of others, Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that invites readers to form their own opinions and judgments based on their own reading and understanding. It is a novel that does not claim to have the final or absolute truth, but rather offers a perspective and a possibility for reflection and discussion.

How can you benefit from reading Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that can benefit you in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of reading this novel:

  • It can expand your knowledge and awareness: The novel can expose you to different aspects of Islamic theology, history, and literature, as well as Western philosophy and culture. It can also introduce you to various concepts and terms that you may not be familiar with.
  • It can improve your critical thinking and reasoning skills: The novel can challenge you to analyze, evaluate, and question the arguments and evidence presented by the characters. It can also encourage you to compare and contrast different viewpoints and perspectives on various issues.
  • It can enhance your creativity and imagination: The novel can inspire you to create your own stories, characters, and scenarios based on the themes and topics of the novel. It can also stimulate you to imagine different outcomes and alternatives for the situations and events in the novel.
  • It can enrich your emotional and spiritual growth: The novel can touch your feelings and emotions through its powerful and moving scenes and dialogues. It can also influence your beliefs and values through its profound and meaningful messages and lessons.

What are the challenges and opportunities of downloading Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11?

Downloading Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 can pose some challenges and opportunities for readers. Some of the challenges are:

  • The availability and accessibility of the novel: The novel is not widely available or accessible in some countries or regions, especially those where it is banned or censored. Readers may have difficulty finding or accessing the novel online or offline.
  • The language and translation of the novel: The novel is originally written in Arabic, and the translation into Indonesian may not capture the full meaning and nuance of the original text. Readers who are not fluent in either language may have difficulty understanding or appreciating the novel.
  • The controversy and criticism of the novel: The novel may provoke controversy and criticism from some people or groups who may find it offensive or blasphemous. Readers may face backlash or hostility from others who disagree with or condemn the novel.

Some of the opportunities are:

  • The learning and enlightenment from the novel: The novel can offer learning and enlightenment for readers who are interested in exploring different aspects of religion, philosophy, and morality. Readers can gain new knowledge, perspectives, and insights from the novel.
  • The enjoyment and entertainment from the novel: The novel can offer enjoyment and entertainment for readers who are looking for a novel that is original, creative, and courageous. Readers can have fun and excitement from reading the novel.
  • The dialogue and discussion from the novel: The novel can foster dialogue and discussion among readers who are willing to share their opinions and judgments on the novel. Readers can engage in constructive and respectful communication with others who have read or want to read the novel.


Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that challenges your beliefs and makes you think deeply about your relationship with God. It is a novel that exposes you to different perspectives and opinions on various theological and philosophical issues. It is a novel that provides you with information, skills, emotions, and values that can benefit you in many ways. It is a novel that invites you to form your own opinions and judgments based on your own reading and understanding. It is a novel that deserves your attention and appreciation.

If you are interested in reading this novel, you can download it from various online platforms. You can also buy the paperback version of the novel from online bookstores. You can also read some reviews and ratings of the novel from online websites. You can also share your thoughts and feedback on the novel with other readers online or offline.

Download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 today and discover the secrets of the devil!


Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 is a novel that challenges your beliefs and makes you think deeply about your relationship with God. It is a novel that exposes you to different perspectives and opinions on various theological and philosophical issues. It is a novel that provides you with information, skills, emotions, and values that can benefit you in many ways. It is a novel that invites you to form your own opinions and judgments based on your own reading and understanding. It is a novel that deserves your attention and appreciation.

If you are interested in reading this novel, you can download it from various online platforms. You can also buy the paperback version of the novel from online bookstores. You can also read some reviews and ratings of the novel from online websites. You can also share your thoughts and feedback on the novel with other readers online or offline.

Download Buku Iblis Menggugat Tuhan 11 today and discover the secrets of the devil![ak]


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