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Definition of over the top in English:

over the top


1. adj.

Paying a host or a performer too much.

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Using an iPhone VPN (virtual private network) is an easy and free way to stay anonymous on the internet. Here is our top 10 list of the best iPhone VPN services.
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An innovative


Docker is a container-related product from Docker Inc. and is considered an equivalent of LXC. Docker is a tool that allows you to provision isolated Linux containers with the same commands and syntax as the underlying host system.

Docker can be used for everything ranging from simple to production-grade services. It can be used for application or service development, continuous integration, deployment and orchestration. It can be used on almost any platform that supports Linux.

Docker Engine. Docker Engine is a container engine that can run on Linux and Windows. It can be used for application and service development.

Overview of Docker

Overview. Docker is container-based technology that makes it easy to spin up an isolated sandbox in which to run applications or services. The sandbox, built on Linux technology called LXC (Linux Containers), lets you move the containers around, share the host kernel with the containers, allow the containers to share files with the host, and run multiple containers on the same host, as well as securely delete them when they’re no longer needed.

Software. The Docker tool includes command-line tools and libraries that run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Statistics. Docker has been downloaded more than 13 million times.

Financial and Market Information. In 2013 Docker was acquired by Docker, Inc. for approximately $700 million.


Containers are a technology that lets you run multiple instances of a single application or service within a single Linux host system. Applications that run in containers can be deployed across different environments (such as different servers in a datacenter) without requiring a reboot of the host system.

A container is a lightweight virtualization technology that runs multiple different application instances on one Linux host. Containers run based on the underlying Linux kernel. Docker enables you to share the Linux host kernel with the containers, to allow the containers to share files with the host, and to securely delete containers as soon as they’re no longer needed.

You can store the containers within either a Docker registry (an online repository for container images and content) or a Docker host. The Docker Host is a special virtual machine (VM) that runs a complete copy of the Docker platform. The Docker Host includes storage for the containers.

The Docker runtime includes components for managing containers, as well as the command-line and APIs for interacting with the containers. The Docker runtime includes services that enable you to easily run and interact with containers.


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Confusing material design

I don’t understand what Google is trying to tell me with this design. Could someone please explain how the following pattern would be implemented?


I’m not sure how it can be implemented – the same way we have columns now. It can be divided into different rows (as it is now), and in each row you have two TextViews, one for the day name and the other for the value.


Google is just giving you an “idea” of how it might be put together.
There are a few possibilities:

Have a large field of days (columns) and have the items (rows) be separate widgets that get positioned in the cells.
Have a small list of days and have the items (rows) be widgets inside the cells.

I like the first option better in my personal opinion. I think that would look more beautiful and be easier to implement.


How to make a bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with the same topology and order?

I’m looking for a bounded subset $E\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ such that:

$E$ has the same topology as $\mathbb{R}$;
the order induced by $E$ is $\leq$;
$E$ is closed in $\mathbb{R}$.

This is from Enderton’s Elements of Set Theory, (7.11). I’ve checked that the $\mathbb{R}$-topology we are considering is sequential (the order is inherited from $\mathbb{R}$). It is a consequence of the fact that the topology is both Hausdorff and of uniform convergence on compact sets.
My first idea is to take the complement of $\mathbb{Q}$, but it fails to satisfy condition 4 since $\mathbb{Q}$ is not closed in $\mathbb{R}$.
Have you






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