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International Relations Notes In Urdu Pdf Download

in 1992, the world trade organization (wto) was established, with the aim of facilitating international trade. the wto is based on the principle that government trade policies should not be allowed to distort the market, which can be expected to lead to increased economic growth. in the modern world, this is usually known as economic liberalisation and can result in the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers. the wto is made up of 153 member countries, of which 132 are full members, with 47 associate members and 30 potential members.

in 1995, the international criminal court was established. it is an independent international criminal court, which has jurisdiction over international crimes. the court deals with individuals who are accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. the court also deals with crimes committed in the context of armed conflict and international terrorism. in many ways, it can be said to be the top court in the world.

the islamic state group (also known as is, daesh, isis or isil) is a militant group that follows a fundamentalist doctrine of sunni islam. in june 2014, the group published a document where it claimed to have traced the lineage of its leader, abu bakr al-baghdadi, back to the prophet muhammad. the group then appointed al-baghdadi its caliph. as caliph, al-baghdadi demanded the allegiance of devout muslims worldwide and the group and its supporters set about conducting a range of extreme and barbaric acts. many of these were targeted at cities in western nations such as melbourne, manchester and paris which has led to the issue becoming a global one. ultimately, the intent is to create an islamic state (or caliphate) in geopolitical, cultural and political terms and to deter (via the use of terrorism and extreme actions) western or regional powers from interfering with this process. of course, this means that existing states territory is under threat. although the islamic state group considers itself a state, due to its actions it has been defined as a terrorist organisation by virtually all of the worlds states and international organisations. islamic religious leaders have also condemned the groups ideology and actions.

in the aftermath of the second world war, hans morgenthau (1948) sought to develop a comprehensive international theory as he believed that politics, like society in general, is governed by laws that have roots in human nature. his concern was to clarify the relationship between interests and morality in international politics, and his work drew heavily on the insights of historical figures such as thucydides and machiavelli. in contrast to more optimistically minded idealists who expected international tensions to be resolved through open negotiations marked by goodwill, morgenthau set out an approach that emphasised power over morality. indeed, morality was portrayed as some- thing that should be avoided in policymaking. in morgenthaus account, every political action is directed towards keeping, increasing or demonstrating power. the thinking is that policies based on morality or idealism can lead to weakness and possibly the destruction or domination of a state by a competitor. in this sense pursuing the national interest is amoral meaning that it is not subject to calculations of morality. the united states has an array of bilateral relationships with pakistan. these include civilian assistance, trade, military, and counter-terrorism cooperation. the u.s. provides pakistan with economic assistance, foreign military financing, and non-military assistance. these are primarily in the area of security cooperation and assistance in the area of development. the united states also provides pakistan with military assistance and training, which is primarily military in nature. to a lesser extent, these include training in the area of democracy and governance. 5ec8ef588b

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