Kodungallur Bharani Pattu PDF 21: A Rare and Valuable Resource for Devotees

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is a sacred song that is sung by devotees of the goddess Bhadrakali at the Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple in Kerala, India. The song is a form of ritualistic abuse that is meant to please the goddess, who is believed to be in her fierce form during the festival of Bharani. The song contains profane and obscene words that are not normally used in everyday speech, but are considered to be a way of expressing devotion and love to the goddess.

The Kodungallur Bharani Pattu PDF 21 is a digital version of the song that can be downloaded for free from the internet. The PDF contains the lyrics of the song in Malayalam, along with a transliteration and a translation in English. The PDF also has some background information about the origin and significance of the song, as well as some photos and videos of the festival.

The Kodungallur Bharani Pattu PDF 21 is a rare and valuable resource for devotees who want to learn more about this unique tradition and culture. The PDF can help them understand the meaning and context of the song, as well as appreciate its artistic and spiritual value. The PDF can also help them prepare for the festival by practicing the song and getting familiar with its rhythm and tone.

How to Download Kodungallur Bharani Pattu PDF 21 for Free

If you are interested in downloading the Kodungallur Bharani Pattu PDF 21 for free, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the YouTube video titled “ഭരണി പാട്ട് ആണ് സ്വന്തം റിസ്കിൽ കേൾക്കുക | KODUNGALLUR BHARANI 2019 | BHARANI PATTU 1” by Shaibu Karayil.
  2. Copy the URL of the video and paste it in a YouTube to PDF converter website, such as https://youtubetopdf.com/.
  3. Click on the “Convert” button and wait for the process to finish.
  4. Download the converted PDF file and save it on your device.

You can also watch the video online and enjoy the song and the visuals of the festival.

What is Kodungallur Bharani Pattu and Why You Need It

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is more than just a song. It is a cultural and religious phenomenon that has been practiced for centuries by devotees of Bhadrakali, the goddess of power and prosperity. The song is sung during the Bharani festival, which falls in March or April every year, at the Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple, one of the oldest and most revered temples in Kerala. The festival is a celebration of the goddess’s victory over the demon king Daruka, who had oppressed her devotees. The song is a way of expressing gratitude and devotion to the goddess, as well as invoking her blessings and protection.

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is not a conventional song. It is a form of ritualistic abuse that uses profane and obscene words to praise and please the goddess, who is believed to be in her fierce form during the festival. The song also contains references to historical events, myths, legends, and social issues. The song is sung by thousands of devotees, mostly men dressed as women, who carry swords and other weapons and dance in a frenzy. The song is also accompanied by drum beats and cymbals that create a hypnotic atmosphere.

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is a unique and fascinating tradition that reflects the diversity and richness of Kerala’s culture and spirituality. The song is a testimony to the devotion and faith of the people who believe in the power and grace of Bhadrakali. The song is also a form of artistic expression that challenges the norms and conventions of society. The song is a way of celebrating life, freedom, and joy in the face of adversity and oppression.

The History of Kodungallur Bharani Pattu

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. The song is believed to have originated from the Tamil poems and inscriptions that praised the goddess Bhadrakali, who was worshipped at the Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple, one of the oldest functioning temples in India. The temple was the capital of the Chera empire and a major center of trade and culture in South India. The temple was also associated with the legend of Kannaki, the heroine of the Tamil epic Silappatikaram, who was an incarnation of Bhadrakali.

The song evolved over time and incorporated elements from various traditions and communities that participated in the festival. The song reflects the diversity and syncretism of Kerala’s culture and spirituality, as it blends Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Christian, Muslim, and tribal influences. The song also expresses the social and political realities of the people who faced oppression and injustice from various rulers and invaders. The song is a form of resistance and empowerment that challenges the dominant narratives and norms of society.

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is a living tradition that continues to attract thousands of devotees every year. The song is a dynamic and creative expression that adapts to the changing times and contexts. The song is also a source of controversy and debate, as some people consider it to be offensive and vulgar, while others defend it as a part of their cultural heritage and identity. The song is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that reveals the multiple layers and dimensions of Kerala’s history and culture.

The Significance of Kodungallur Bharani Pattu in Contemporary Kerala

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is not just a historical or religious tradition. It is also a significant cultural and social phenomenon that has relevance and resonance in contemporary Kerala. The song represents the diversity and pluralism of Kerala’s society, as it brings together people from different castes, religions, regions, and backgrounds. The song also reflects the spirit and identity of Kerala, as it celebrates the values of freedom, equality, justice, and resistance. The song also challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that are often associated with Kerala, such as conservatism, patriarchy, and intolerance.

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is also a source of inspiration and creativity for many artists and writers in Kerala. The song has influenced various forms of literature, music, cinema, and theatre in Kerala. The song has also been adapted and reinterpreted by various groups and movements to suit their contexts and agendas. The song has also been used as a medium of expression and communication for various causes and issues, such as gender equality, environmental protection, human rights, and social justice.

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is a living and evolving tradition that continues to engage and enrich the people of Kerala. The song is a testimony to the vitality and vibrancy of Kerala’s culture and spirituality. The song is also a manifestation of the power and grace of Bhadrakali, the goddess who loves and protects her devotees.

The Controversies and Criticisms of Kodungallur Bharani Pattu

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is not without its controversies and criticisms. The song has been opposed and condemned by various groups and individuals for various reasons. Some of the main criticisms are:

  • The song is considered to be offensive and vulgar, as it uses profane and obscene words to praise and please the goddess. Some people argue that the song is disrespectful and blasphemous to the goddess, who is supposed to be pure and holy. They also claim that the song is harmful and corrupting to the moral and social values of the society.
  • The song is considered to be violent and aggressive, as it involves the ritual of sacrificing roosters and throwing coconuts and turmeric powder at the temple. Some people argue that the song promotes cruelty and bloodshed, which are contrary to the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion. They also claim that the song is damaging and polluting to the environment and the temple.
  • The song is considered to be discriminatory and oppressive, as it excludes and marginalizes certain groups and communities from participating in the festival. Some people argue that the song reinforces the caste hierarchy and patriarchy, which are oppressive and unjust systems. They also claim that the song denies the rights and dignity of women, Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims, Christians, and other minorities.

These criticisms have led to various attempts to ban or censor the song over the years. Some of these attempts are:

  • In 1977, the Kerala High Court banned the ritual of sacrificing roosters at the temple, following a petition filed by an animal rights activist. The ritual was replaced by covering the stones with a red silk cloth. However, some devotees still continue to perform the ritual secretly or outside the temple premises.
  • In 2008, a group of Hindu organizations filed a petition in the Kerala High Court seeking a ban on the theripaatu songs, alleging that they were hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus. The court dismissed the petition, stating that it was a matter of faith and tradition.
  • In 2016, a group of women activists launched a campaign called “Happy to Bleed”, demanding entry into the temple during their menstrual periods. They challenged the taboo and stigma associated with menstruation, which they claimed was a form of gender discrimination. They also questioned the logic of allowing men to abuse the goddess with vulgar words, while denying women access to her during their natural cycles.

The Responses and Reactions of Kodungallur Bharani Pattu Devotees

Kodungallur Bharani Pattu devotees have responded and reacted to the controversies and criticisms of their song in various ways. Some of the main responses and reactions are:

  • The devotees have defended and justified their song as a matter of faith and tradition. They have argued that the song is not meant to offend or insult the goddess, but to please and appease her. They have claimed that the song is a form of devotion and love that expresses their total surrender and loyalty to the goddess. They have also asserted that the song is a part of their cultural heritage and identity that has been passed down for generations.
  • The devotees have resisted and challenged the attempts to ban or censor their song as a violation of their rights and freedoms. They have argued that the song is a form of expression and communication that reflects their views and opinions on various issues and matters. They have claimed that the song is a form of resistance and empowerment that challenges the dominant narratives and norms of society. They have also asserted that the song is a form of celebration and joy that enhances their sense of community and solidarity.
  • The devotees have adapted and reinterpreted their song to suit their contexts and agendas. They have modified and updated their song to incorporate new elements and themes that are relevant and appealing to them. They have also experimented with different forms and styles of performing their song to attract more audiences and attention. They have also used various platforms and media to spread and share their song with wider and diverse groups of people.


Kodungallur Bharani Pattu is a fascinating and complex phenomenon that reveals the multiple layers and dimensions of Kerala’s history, culture, and spirituality. The song is a sacred and profane expression that honors and worships the goddess Bhadrakali, who is the embodiment of power and prosperity. The song is also a dynamic and creative expression that adapts and evolves with the changing times and contexts. The song is also a controversial and debated expression that provokes and challenges various groups and individuals. The song is a living and evolving tradition that continues to engage and enrich the people of Kerala.



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