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TIP Windows XP no longer comes with Photoshop. Before installing Photoshop, you must know that it will upgrade your computer’s system requirements. You need to have Windows XP SP2 installed or later. You can choose from three versions of Photoshop CS2: Standard ($929.95), Digital Learning Edition ($1,149.95), and Creative Suite 2 ($3,300). Adobe Photoshop CS3 Quick Tip A basic way to use Photoshop’s new features is to create a new document by pressing ALT-N to create a new image-editing document. The new features in Photoshop CS3 represent the most significant change to the Photoshop platform in a while. It’s still easy to use Photoshop to alter an image; however, things are more convenient and more powerful with this version of Photoshop. You’ll find that Photoshop CS3 is much faster and easier to use than Photoshop CS2, and that it manages to offer much more functionality. The default Photoshop CS3 interface is now much less cluttered and easier to use than before. You can choose from different tab options such as Arrange, Filters, Layers, History, and Camera. The Flyhand tool is used for navigating in layers or sections of an image; there is also the freehand tool, which draws objects in the image for you. There are more powerful drawing tools for creating vectors, and a tool called Spot Healing, which can now move objects in an image. You can now combine photos in Photoshop to create collages or panoramas using the stitching tool. Other new features in Photoshop CS3 include the ability to make text bigger or smaller, create text in Photoshop, insert objects into images, and create cross-process document with Photoshop and Illustrator CS3. Photoshop CS3 also adds the ability to save and import videos, pages from magazines, or print pages with the Print command from the File menu. You can also create a Flash video with a more intuitive workflow. Photoshop CS3 also has great new tools for the graphic design field. The Photoshop Media Library is an online feature for putting your digital images and videos on the Web, with the option to add a small, online gallery. You can preview your images or media as well as their initial and final versions to ensure that everything is functioning as expected before you post it online. You can easily create a digital press kit (Dip), make a QuickTime movie, and add

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Photoshop (Pro) vs Photoshop Elements (Pro) Top 10 Reasons Photoshop Elements is Better than Photoshop This table compares the key features of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Additional Features Filter Definition In Photoshop, filters are included in layers and are visible when the layer is visible. In Elements, filters are not included in layers and are separate entities. To edit a filter, you have to open it in a separate window. To change the name of the filter, you have to create an action to call the filter. You can add multiple filters to a layer to create various effects. Elements has separate filter and layer windows for all filters. The filter layer windows hide and show the layers and all filters. You can save individual filters in a separate file for future use. Elements has a set of editing tools available to enhance or create effects. A batch action tool allows you to set the same filter for many layers at once. Document Extras Photoshop has presets. If you open a file that uses a preset, the preset is applied to the image or layer automatically. Elements doesn’t have presets. You can only apply filters that come with the program. Photoshop has an Action Editor that lets you create a menu that lets you apply common editing functions. Elements does not have an Action Editor. Photoshop has Organizer that lets you store your settings for more than one Photoshop version in a file. Elements does not have an Organizer. File Size Photoshop has two file formats, EPS and PSD. PSD is a standard file format used in most graphics applications. EPS is a standard file format for line art. Elements uses PSD for vector graphics and a proprietary format named FAS. Elements saves in a proprietary file format. It also saves EPS and PSD files. But PSD files are not supported as PSD files in Elements. Photoshop saves a preview of the image with each edit operation. Elements automatically saves the image in several common image formats for viewing. Elements also lets you view the image as a graphic. You have more image-editing and design options in Photoshop. You can import or export to Microsoft Office and other formats. You can open a PSD file in Photoshop. Text Edits Elements allows you to add italic and bold text. You have to enter each line separately. In Elements, you can enter the text 05a79cecff

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Just a few weeks ago, I wrote about how the End of Life Choices (EOLC) bill HB 2273 was making its way through the Kentucky legislature, how it would require that death certificates and medical records be sent to the state, but not to the decedent’s family. It was designed to benefit the state in exchange for a pittance from the funeral home industry. I explained that it was an offense to the family, but not a crime, and as long as the state was paying out money they would see no harm in it. Well, as you know, the bill passed the Senate, but in the House of Representatives there was a great bit of drama over who would vote to concur on the amended bill in the House. Some thought the bill needed a number of procedural changes prior to a vote. Others thought that all the changes that had been made were fine, but needed to be placed in the House Rules Committee before being voted on. The original bill called for the records to be sent to the Commonwealth, but with the amendment in the rules committee, the records will be sent to the state only, but the family will be able to get a copy from the state. The original bill had specified that physicians could not disclose the cause of death in order for the physician to get paid for the service. This was part of the problem with the bill. I had a feeling that was part of the reason the House Rules Committee changed it to simply say the cause of death cannot be disclosed. If the funeral home industry is so worried about increasing requests for medical records, maybe they should lobby to eliminate the death certificate altogether. Why would anyone want the medical records of someone who has died? I, for one, don’t want to know. If the death certificate isn’t called a death certificate but is required to be sent to the state in order for the state to get the $500, then the state shouldn’t be able to obtain it. After all, it isn’t like the state is going to pay anything for sending it over. However, if the family did have a problem with the medical information, they could be assured by the confidentiality of doctor-patient privilege. But, for what reason? Would the state be able to use the medical information to help with its own legislation? Surely, the medical records would have to be anonymous to state bureaucrats, especially if the state has to pay out for the actual medical record. I suppose

What’s New in the?

Now that you have learned about the basic features of Photoshop, it’s time to see how they can be used. 1. Brush Tool The Brush Tool is located next to the Rectangle Tool on the toolbar. The tool allows you to apply a number of styles to an object. Brush styles are often referred to as “pens.” For example, you can use the Brush Tool to apply a soft pencil, a hard pencil, or a diluted textured brush to your image. 2. Fill Tool The Fill Tool is used to add fill to your images. It is available in two different modes: black and white and color. Use the black-and-white mode to add black to a color area, and the color mode to add color to a black-and-white area. When you use the Select Color Tool to highlight a color, Photoshop also highlights that area. 3. Pen Tool The Pen Tool allows you to draw lines, ellipses, and arrows in an image. These shapes are useful for drawing, like, a border around an object or adding a frame around an object to give it a more 3-D look. Use the Pen Tool to draw outlines around objects and place text in an image. The Pen Tool does not always create lines, which you can create by typing w to toggle between the line and rectangle shape. 4. Shape Tool The Shape Tool is the tool you use to define the shape of a drawn object. You can use the Shape Tool to create polygonal or polyline shapes. The polyline shapes are similar to the guidelines you see in the Design Center of Adobe Illustrator. 5. Lasso Tool The Lasso Tool, also known as the Magnetic Lasso, is useful for making selections. Instead of using a mouse, you can use the Lasso Tool to hold down the Command key while you click in the image. The area that you selected will not be included in the selection. You can then drag over other areas to select them as well. 6. Magic Wand The Magic Wand tool is a free-hand selection tool. It allows you to select an area of an image based on the colors that are in that area. Use the tool to select an area based on its color. You can also modify the shape by using it to create shapes or ellipses.

System Requirements:

Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP and Mac OS X 10.6 or higher 1024×768 resolution or greater 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended) Dual core processor recommended Internet connection required Notes: *Features may vary based on your region/country. **An internet connection is required to unlock bonus features.

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