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Pingnoo is a network connection analysis tool whose purpose is to facilitate the analysis of a packet’s route in real time, allowing users to measure the latency in each of the nodes it reaches.
This is done thanks to a series of tools, separated into individual sections. The first one, the route manager, gives a table where you can see all the hops a packet goes through, along with the number of packets that reached it, the corresponding IP address and the router’s name. There are two tools under route manager:
a metric calculator, which is meant to allow a measurement of the total travel time of a packet from the source to the destination by entering the destination IP address;
a list of visited sites, which shows the links and hops that the packet goes through and how many times the route was successfully completed.
The second section includes a feature we’ve already seen in other applications: a graph that displays the total latency over time for each node. This helps administrators and others easily spot a problem and promptly respond, if necessary.
But the visual representation is the only interesting thing about this section.
The third section is the moment of truth; it’s the only section of the application that’s under development.
The app displays a table where you can see all the hops a packet goes through, along with the number of packets that reached it, the corresponding IP address and the router’s name.
There are two tools under route analyzer:
a route analyzer, which displays the route over all the nodes;
a latency analyzer, which displays the latency over time for each of the nodes.
The fourth section helps you to sort the results of the route analyzer.
What is interesting about Pingnoo is that it can record the latency history for each of the nodes, displaying the values in a graph that is updated in real time.
The visual representation surely helps administrators and others easily spot a problem and promptly respond, if necessary.
The visual representation of the route analyzer is very promising, but it’s certainly incomplete and in need of development.
The app is a promising visual traceroute monitoring tool that is under early development stages.
Why do I need this?
Pingnoo is a must-have tool for network managers and anyone else dealing with packet routing and latency measurements. Its benefit is its simplicity: What do you do if you want to measure the route to a site, but you are

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The application’s interface is simple. In the main window, all the necessary controls are available. It is possible to start, stop, pause or stop a probe; switch back and forth between the ping and traceroute functions. If you pause a probe, the entire display disappears and returns to the previous view once the probe is restarted.
In the top-right area of the window, the application displays the version number and the date and time of the installation. Under the “History” menu, you can see the most relevant data for the ping and traceroute. The time is shown in the format of UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). Clicking the History menu entries refreshes the data displayed in the window. Under the “Settings” menu, you can configure the behavior of the application, set the ping and traceroute intervals, specify the number of ping or traceroute probes and whether you want to send probes to all the nodes or only the ones where there’s an active connection.
Under the “Help” menu, you can ask the application for help. Right now, support is only available in English, but it will be updated to other languages in the future.
When you choose the “Add” button in the main window, a new tab is created, displaying the list of nodes you want to be tracked. As soon as you choose a node from the list, its location and port are shown. The list displays the total number of probes sent for each node, along with the data obtained from each probe.
In addition, you can modify the graph types displayed in the application, changing from a line chart to a simple table. There are two types of graphs: one for the nodes and one for the data received from the probe. In the graph, you can enable the visualization of nodes with multiple connections, for those that have two or more active ports.
When you have finished with the “Add” menu, you can easily refresh the list. When you select a node in the list, the probe dialog box is opened. Here, you can configure the port, the period of the ping and traceroute, the timeout and the number of probes (excluding the initial probe). The “Stop” button creates a pause on the probe, while the “Restart” button resets the probe.
When you start a probe, the display shows an indicator for the probe in the bottom-left

Pingnoo Download

Pingnoo is a serverless network analyzer and visual traceroute.
* Monitor the network latency in real time
* Measure the latency of any network traffic, for any application on any network (including the internet)
* Measure network latency of any application
* Check the latency between any two hosts on any subnet, or any host on any subnet and the internet
* View the latency of any website
* View the latency of any domain
* View the latency of any app or command
* View the packet’s path on the network
* Display & compare the latency of packets
* Display & compare the latencies of any host
* Display & compare the latencies of any network
* Display & compare the latencies of any application
* Display & compare the latency of any packet
* View the latency of any host in a chart
* Check the latency of any application’s traffic
* View the latency statistics of any IP
* View the latency statistics of any service
* View the latency statistics of any website
* View the latency statistics of any domain
* View the latency statistics of any DNS query
* View the latency statistics of any application
* View the latency statistics of any traffic
* View the latency statistics of any host
* View the latency statistics of any window
* View the latency statistics of any mouse click
* View the latency statistics of any app
* View the latency statistics of any packet
* View the latency statistics of any host in a graph
* Display the latency for any host
* View the latency of any url
* View the URL of any website
* View the latency of any domain
* View the Domain Name of any website
* View the URL of any domain
* Compare the latency of any host to any other host
* Compare the latency of any host to any host range
* Compare the latency of any host to any host range and group
* Compare the latency of any host to any host group
* Compare the latency of any host to any host range and frequency
* Compare the latency of any host to any host range and the average
* Compare the latency of any host to any host group and compare
* Compare the latency of any host to any host group and percentage
* Compare the latency of any host to any host group and min, average, max
* Compare the latency of any host to any host range and percentage chart
* Compare the latency of any host to any

What’s New In Pingnoo?

→ Exports route information to the terminal or to CSV
→ Selects and graphes latency and no latency statistics
→ Can graph IP address of nodes
→ Real time graph update
→ Zipfile archiving of results
→ Avg, Min, Max, Stdev latency calculation
→ Real time node latency status

What’s Bad:

→ No full-screen mode
→ No information on latency
→ No traceroute commands history
→ No wireless support

How to use it:

→ Click the link to download and install
→ Open the program
→ Double click any file in the dashboard to launch the application
→ Input the server IP address
→ Launch the tool
→ Select the kind of graph you want to create – RT or NL
→ The application creates a new graph on the desktop
→ Click once on the graph and right click to select Save
→ Copy the link of the graph
→ Right click again on the graph to select Open in your browser
→ Select the location where you want the graph saved
→ Click Apply
→ The graph is ready for you to view

So, do you think this desktop application can replace the command line application? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and stay tuned!

Traceroute is one of the common commands network admins use in their daily activity. With its help, they can follow a packet’s route to its destination and report the IP addresses of all the routers it pings. Moreover, it is the simplest means of assessing the network latency, meaning the time a packet takes to transit from source to destination.

While traceroute is usually run by network admins via the command console, there are dedicated applications that allow you to track down a packet and measure its transit delay from a more user-friendly GUI. That is the case with Pingnoo.

Monitor the network latency in real time 
Released under an open-source license, Pingnoo is a network connection analysis tool whose purpose is to facilitate the analysis of a packet’s route in real time, allowing users to measure the latency in each of the nodes it reaches.

The application’s interface is pretty intuitive, but there are a few functions that are not yet implemented, as Pingnoo is in its early development stages.  

The route analyzer displays a table where you can see all the hops a packet goes through, along with the number

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2400
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2 GB or AMD Radeon™ HD 7970 2 GB
Hard Drive: 1 GB free
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2 GB or AMD Radeon™ HD 7970

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