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Saint Sava mission to Serbia – Holy Anastasia of Vardar. We also know that St. Vasilika was Saint Sava’s most beloved daughter, and she presided over the monastery of the Holy Mountain at Snagov. In the year 1164, St. Sava, going on a pilgrimage in Eastern Europe, visited Ravanica. Radakovi…ci… and the Church of the Assumption in Ravanica. A long time ago, St. Sava passed the monastery where he was raised by his parents.
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With the new release of the VirusTotal icon, you no longer need to worry about scanning malware, trojans, exploits, spyware, and other potentially damaging threats. As always, be sure to back up your files before you scan. You can do this through your existing Windows backup tool, or using your favorite cloud-based storage service (more on those options later).

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The VirusTotal icon also features a manual scan button, which will allow you to submit any malware to


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