Browsing the internet is a vast, vast place with thousands of information outlets at your disposal. Whenever we search for any type of information we look for the best or the most popular websites. But how do you know that the websites you visit for various purposes are the best?

It’s hard to say that the best websites are the most popular websites when we think of the way the internet or the internet is evolving day by day. If you are searching for the best or most popular websites in the world today it may not be possible to find out the most popular sites in the world today and their popularity.

The reason for this is because it is the nature of the internet that will keep on changing continuously, the websites that are popular today may not be popular tomorrow. We can say that some websites started to become popular because they had lots of positive or negative comments on them.

Just take a look at the websites of Google that are very popular today, but if you went back three years ago they would not be so popular. If you compare, the Google websites of 2000, 2005 and 2006 have almost nothing in common today. So, it is very hard to say that which websites are going to be most popular in the future. As much as you may think that the best websites are the biggest ones or they have lots of features and content, the best websites are the ones that have the most comments, the most visitors, and the most ratings.

If we look at this way, downloading a cracked software does not make much sense today and even in the coming years because there is going to be a website that has more visitors and comments, and it may be ranking among the top websites on the web today.
