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Please, answer me by: – looking at one’s self when compared with others – laugh of one’s self (together with the others) – high-speed cold food – bad words or curses – putting one’s self in unusual situations – seeing oneself as good or as bad – knowing about the traits that may cause that person’s image to be seen differently by others.
Most of the relevant information about the cause of such behaviours (a study of the history of the first occurrence) in the context of the cause of schizophrenia was made by Hall and Mosher in their article, The classification of psychological disturbances, a historical review of the concept of psychoneuroses (1969).
A study of the psychological aspects of schizophrenia In a study from 1983, Hjelmbru, Hope and Kustow reviewed the psychological aspects of schizophrenia in particular, and medical aspects in general, in the light of recent research.
Subjective content analysis of schizophrenic patients’ negative symptoms This research was based on a study from 1971 by Mark and Perris that was later published as, Negative symptoms of schizophrenia – The advantages of subjective content analysis of patients’ comments.
The subjective content analysis of schizophrenic patients’ negative symptoms is a method used by psychiatrists and psychologists, and by nurses who work with patients.
The meaning of psychological aspects in the study of schizophrenia This paper, written by Kohn, discusses the importance and meaning of psychological aspects in the study of schizophrenia.
There is currently a growing body of evidence to suggest that the symptoms associated with schizophrenia (e. g., negative symptoms or thought disorder) may be experienced in a similar way by the patient and a significant number of people in the community.
The author reviews negative symptoms of schizophrenia and its symptoms in order to shed light on these complex aspects.
Psychopathology in schizophrenia: Emerging issues Despite the fact that the development and validation of psychometric scales (as a source of data) emerged around the 1970s, the concept of psychopathology in schizophrenia was not considered as a research subject up to that time.
The emergence of psychopathology in the study of schizophrenia This article discusses, for instance, the development of categorical psychopathology in the study of schizophrenia, a problem which has been neglected until recent years.
After describing briefly the different approaches to the study of schizophrenia (1963), it also mentions that the issue of the “psychopathology of schizophrenia” was not the focus of research until the late 1970s and 1980s, with the exception of a few writers.