Downloading pirated or cracked software illegally on your work computer is just as bad for employees as it is for companies. If you know of a coworker who’s doing this, you have a problem. You need to nip this problem in the bud. My advice is to follow these four simple steps:

Even if they’ve already said that they’ll stop, you still need to convince them that it’s a bad idea. This is because, even though you may think they’re being stupid, the IT department may not see things this way. If you tell your coworker that they’re being stupid to download cracked software, you’ll most likely end up sounding stupid and therefore be the one who gets disciplined.

For educational purposes only, you may also be able to get legal access to pirated or cracked software in your school. A lot of schools now offer Internet access in classrooms, which means that your child can access much better software for free, than the software they might otherwise be using at home. Keep in mind, though, that even though software is free, it’s not necessarily legal.

Sometimes companies will release games without going through a certification process. These are usually games that the companies themselves have developed. To keep costs down they will release it for a low price and then add on extra copies later at higher prices. They may include the game on disc with other games or they may even offer it as a download. Some crack developers have offered this as an incentive to those people who are looking for download sites. Here are three websites that contain cracked games and trial versions.
