HandBrake 0.9.8 Portable

One of the neatest features of HandBrake is the ability to create custom presets. Although presets are simple to create, it is important to choose a name that does not conflict with a folder name already in use. It is very easy to create your own preset by adding a video to HandBrake and then clicking the Add button at the bottom of the Summary tab. When you click the Add button it will take you to the next window, which has the following four fields to consider: Name, Use Picture Size, Save Filter Settings, and Description. If the video you wish to include has the same resolution as a preset that already exists, take note of the number under the Use Picture Size menu in the Description field. If you wish to assign the resolution of the video to the preset you will need to type the number into the Use Picture Size field and click Add. Additionally, if you choose to include a filter in the preset, use the Save Filter Settings option to include the current settings in the preset. To save the settings in the preset, check the box beneath the Use Picture Size menu. All other fields, including the Name field, will remain blank.

MP4 containers are typically known as MPEG-4 files, and will, like the video container formats, be recognizable by their.mp4 file extension. The MP4 container is responsible for not only providing the container through which the video and audio are stored, but also handles some of the storage and synchronization of the two objects. Many of the more advanced features of the container, such as the sub-segment support for M-DCT, are also accessible within the MP4 container. In addition to the combination of container and container format, the Quick-start, the chapter that serves as a quick reference to many of the MP4 container features explains some of the more advanced MP4 tags, including those found within the MP4 File Association. When you are viewing a MP4 container in HandBrake you will notice that the container properties tab will display a number of advanced properties for the container, including the MSS (MPEG Segment Size) tag, which is the value by which HandBrake represents the length of the container. The MSS value that can be found on the container properties will be in kilo bytes, while the value that can be found through the Properties Editor will be in megabytes. The value HandBrake records on the container properties will be the value rounded up to the next integer, in kilobytes, allowing HandBrake to display the largest MSS possible, even though the value will be rounded up in a different manner.

Next, the video is assigned a Quality Level by selecting it from within the Manage window. The final step, modifying the conversion parameters, is the same as in HandBrake: select an option from the Video menu and set the parameters that you wish to use. As with HandBrake, choosing Custom makes it possible to set the source aspect ratio prior to applying the conversion.
In addition to the Codecs tab, the left pane also includes the resolutions that have been set for the current project. In the example above, the output resolution is set to 1080p; however, HandBrake allows up to 4k resolution, although it is rarely needed, as I have found that the best output resolution is usually between 1080p and 2k, depending on the quality of the source. In any case, HandBrake will never output a resolution lower than 1080p. If the output does not conform to the standard that is being used for output, HandBrake will automatically use the code that results in the closest output as possible; the most common example of this would be when a user has set an output height of 1049, but a source is recorded in 1080p, forcing HandBrake to automatically convert the source to 1080p and setting the height to 1049.
Moving down the left side, the Presets tab offers a number of presets for projects with similar characteristics. In the example above, there are two presets: A B and A-B. The presets are generated and assigned either by exporting the project, or by creating presets from scratch. When exporting the project, the Presets tab will be empty. That said, the A B and A-B presets are derived from the project that has been exported from the previous version of HandBrake.



