Koizumi Aya Met Art Zip [WORK]


Koizumi Aya Met Art Zip

meanwhile, the abe government will have to deal with the challenge posed by the strong and growing presence of the right-wing nationalist group, the japan restoration party (jrp). with koizumi out of the picture, the jrp has a better chance of advancing its agendas. abe will need to find a way to contain the group.

the abe legacy will also depend in part on his success in moving the japanese economy forward. by the end of 2006, as i note in my book, the ldp had the lowest approval rating of any political party in japan, and the most policies in its platform were likely to be rolled back. a survey showed that more japanese were against market-orientated economic reforms than in favor of them. however, in 2009, as this book goes to press, confidence in the economy is high, business is expanding, and the current account surplus is still among the worlds largest. things may continue to look up as the government refocuses on the recovery of lost ground. but ultimately, japan needs to move beyond koizumis deflationary policies.

in foreign policy, koizumi has been a strong supporter of multilateralism. he has participated in the g7/g8 and g20 summits in seattle and toronto. he has also organized major international summits in tokyo. however, he has been a strong supporter of a japanese-led peacekeeping force in east timor and has suggested that japan should be the first asian country to join the international atomic energy agency. in foreign policy, koizumi has also played an important role in reducing tensions with neighboring countries, notably south korea, by improving relations with kim dae-jung, the first korean leader to visit japan, and holding a bilateral summit between the two leaders in tokyo. koizumi has also visited china on four occasions, and sino-japanese relations have been among his top priorities. he believes that china will be japans most important partner in the future. koizumi has also taken a strong interest in africa, promoting the creation of a multinational force to fight against the lord’s resistance army in northern uganda, and the development of a naval base in djibouti to protect shipping lanes in the horn of africa.

koizumi, by contrast, has done much to increase state power and influence over society. he has worked hard to enhance the power of the bureaucracy, and to push for greater reliance on state-directed planning. he has taken greater control over domestic policy than any previous prime minister. with the threat of early elections out of the way, he can now devote himself to an ambitious program of japanese-style social reform, including, as he promised in his ldp platform, the long-stalled construction of high-speed rail lines to the north and west.
yet koizumi has also been a deeply divisive leader, a point on which many japanese seem to have remained unconvinced. that much was clear in june when he bowed out, just as the tax hikes and spending cuts he had promised to implement were about to take effect. but koizumi has also turned out to be an unpredictable and unorthodox leader. he reportedly regrets his decision to dissolve the ldp by writing the word neko (cat) on his desk in kanji script, in reference to his use of a nickname. he was also quoted as saying, in reference to his decision to visit yasukuni shrine, that he could have faced prison for defying the law.
that ambiguity may prove a challenge for abe. on the one hand, as prime minister he will have access to the power of the state that koizumi has always enjoyed. but on the other hand, abe will have to answer for koizumis divisive legacy.
few observers doubt that abe will be more conciliatory than koizumi, and he may be more willing to work with the chinese leadership. but abe will be walking a tightrope. he will have to be careful not to provoke china by overstepping his bounds, while also addressing legitimate public concern over domestic issues such as inequality. the optimal way forward will be to address both in a measured fashion and to try to steer a middle path. that will be the abe legacy.



