While casual sex tends to be a toned-down version of traditional dating, it has become increasingly popular over the past decade. One of the driving forces behind the rise of casual dating has been dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, as they let men and women skip the whole OkCupid phase of finding a partner and go straight for the bones-to-happy-hour sex. So to answer the question, is casual sex bad for you, it’s probably not a good idea to engage in the practice without a few basic rules in mind, which we’ve broken down for you.

Are there any consequences to casual sex?

So long as you use protection, and you know how to properly get tested, casual sex isn’t all that bad. The problem arises if someone you’ve casually gone down on ends up pregnant or spreads STDs to you, or if you fall so in love with the person that you want to see them go out with your friends and family. While that’s definitely an outcome that should be avoided, if everything you’re doing is properly protected, it can easily be avoided.

Basically, if you’re into the person but still want more time to see if this is a long-term thing, casual sex can be a decent option as a fair warning to be on the safe side. One bit of sexual misadventure could add a bit more fuel to the fire, but if you’ve decided to become a go-to dude or chick for one night stands, then you’ve given yourself a chance to opt out of that person. There’s no guarantee that the next person you’ve slept with is the one who’s going to fall in love with you and want to see you again, or that he or she isn’t going to end up the next disappointing ex.

How do I know if I’m not ready for a relationship?

Read: 7 relationship questions to ask to find out if the time is right for you
When it comes to finding love, you really just have to dig deep within yourself to make the determination that casual sex is not the answer for you. If you want to be with someone for the long haul, then going down on each other in all of the different environments you’re in is probably not an effective way to do it. Plus, it’s hard to form lasting feelings if you’re not talking as much, and saying no when someone asks you to snuggle up with them is much more difficult than saying yes.

That said,
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Casual sex generally refers to having sex with someone you’re not romantically involved with, while hooking up is the term for casual sex in the context of a relationship. There are a number of reasons why sexual encounters have or should have more than one meaning. First and foremost, considering the two polarities of healthy relationships and detached sex, it makes sense that the kind of sex partners have has a big impact on the quality of their relationships. And because so many of us fall in the trap of thinking we’re in love when we’re simply interested in sex, there is no way to really appreciate, love and care for a person unless you get to know that person well — on a lot of different levels.
Having relationships with other people is just like having casual sex in that all partners are potentially coming with all kinds of baggage. Be it the same baggage, completely different baggage, baggage you’re not aware of or with baggage you’re not aware of. Think of the baggage that comes with relationships as a barnacle on the hull of a ship. It’s obviously not good for the ship to have barnacles on the hull. They’re also not good for the voyage because they take up space that could be used for food, water, or a place to sleep. They’re only good for the barnacle if it wants them to be. There is a lot of evidence that a hypersexual state can derail you from making authentic relationships and it can be detrimental to your ability to feel in love.
One of the most common reasons is that you’re too tired after work (or taking care of children) to have sex. A lot of people feel that waking up in the morning just to have sex is really not necessary, but it actually is. According to the National Sexual Health Resource Center, “10-30 minutes of foreplay could double as a pre-sex activity to get sex going.” The idea of being in bed, physically closer to someone you’ve only just met, and getting intimate is overwhelming for a lot of people. Others have issues with delayed gratification and letting themselves get comfortable enough to allow themselves to get aroused. It can be a problem for people who feel, like, “Oh, I’ll just have sex without getting attached” or “Oh, just hooking up is good enough” and they realize too late that those things aren’t good enough. There are plenty of people out there who do truly believe that casual sex with someone they’re attracted to is enough and that it’s somehow easier, they’re sure


But on a night out, you’re likely to be forced to make some quick decisions about where and with whom you plan to have sex. It’s okay that casual sex is the top option for almost all of us.

“But on a night out, you’re likely to be forced to make some quick decisions about where and with whom you plan to have sex. It’s okay that casual sex is the top option for almost all of us.
The whole stigma that surrounds casual sex is so archaic. It doesn’t matter to me who my partner is. There’s never a question as to whether or not we’ll work together or if we’ve done this before.
From Tinder and dating apps to swiping on a crowded bar, hookups are still a part of many peoples’ lives — but if you’re not willing to settle on what you want, this can make it all too easy to be swept along and presented with everything your insides are craving.
However, there are things you can do to make yourself more likely to have sex on a night out.
The newly uninsured always find themselves clinging to whatever has proved to be a form of protection, but if you are not like this, you can always be extra cautious to prevent the health scare of an unexpected date while sticking to that modest plan.

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While we may be aware of the potential risk and damage of unprotected sex, we still have the urge to take risks sometimes and may not even know what we’re taking upon. If you are still up to take on the challenge, I want to welcome you to the club.
Your best bet is to take a few precautionary measures for sure. However, these will not prevent you from doing it at all. Instead, it is going to make you do it with a bit more caution, while still being capable to enter the next round of casual sex with more confidence.
STI-Risk Index. The STI-Risk Index is a service provided by, one of the worlds first STI testing services. The STI-Risk Index is done for free and is the most sophisticated and reliable way to compare your own risk of STIs and makes for a great supplement to a regular STI test. If you have an active or previous STI do not use it. STI-Risk Index.
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Well, that is a massive question, and perhaps one that we won
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26/09/2019 | The rise of Tinder has led to a surge in people seeking casual sex rather than relationships. While casual sex is the norm for millennials, it’s new to Generation Z, which can spell trouble for relationships.
As a general rule of thumb, the more casual sex has become socially acceptable, the worse it usually is for your health. Take your pick between the risks from mental health, drug use, and unsafe sex. All of these behaviors, if indulged in regularly, can lead to all sorts of problems, such as stress, depression, anxiety, and even suicide. (Make no mistake: Hooking up is one of the greatest causes of teen deaths.)
My point is that it’s easier to find sex when you’re alone because it frees you from the additional pressures of raising a kid, supporting a family, or remaining a faithful spouse. Each time you flip on your phone, there’s a wider variety of people to meet. Despite all the technological advances, people need to feel close to someone to feel emotionally safe.
Worst of all, isn’t it romantic? The idea of going on a new adventure, doing something unexpected, and breaking every rule that you’ve agreed to is pretty damn seductive. Let’s face it: Who wouldn’t be seduced by something so contrary to society’s traditional emphasis on commitments and love?
For most, sex is still about a big deal: marriage, children, and the family — and even after a brief stint in a committed relationship, people maintain these structures and prevent sex from diluting them. So rather than say, having sex with someone you find attractive, we usually don’t say “I’m interested in having sex with him,” we say, “I want to get married.” Although the line is getting blurrier, its boldness has a nice ring to it.
It’s a cultural shift, not a social catastrophe.
But if casual sex has become so common, why should we worry about it? There is a social cost involved, to be sure. As society views sex more casually, pornography, casual sex, and cheating are on the rise.
Single men and women aren’t the only people to suffer, but are particularly at risk. Imagine a family with two parents and kids. As one of the parents, your preoccupation with your phone becomes a problem. You see that your phone has a lot of notifications, so you look at it,



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You’ve probably heard this already — casual sex is bad for you. Couples who engage in casual sex have more unprotected sex, have more sex, have sex sooner, and have it with multiple partners. This has been proven, by science. But do people do casual sex because it’s bad? Or are they just promiscuous? Are they some sort of mentally damaged creatures? Let’s take a look:
Let’s start with mental health. Some mental problems — like depression, eating disorders, and bipolar disorder — are associated with sexual promiscuity. Why? Perhaps it comes from a self-fulfilling prophecy or self-esteem issues that stem from shame or unattainable goals. Or maybe it’s a reaction to guilt and regret. Maybe you’re trying to forget about a bad past relationship, or you’ve gotten lazy with dating. If you’re in one of these situations, casual sex might seem like the solution.
Bisexual identity can also be related to promiscuity. The classic bisexual is promiscuous. The more promiscuous you are, the more likely it is that you have a bisexual identity.
But not everyone is asexual or bisexual, so it’s more accurate to say that those who are promiscuous are more likely to be bisexual. In other words, not all bisexuals are promiscuous, but all promiscuous people are bisexual. And so are you.
(Fun Fact: According to the Kinsey Institute, as many as 5% of Americans are asexual.)
If someone is promiscuous, they also seem more likely to be promiscuous because they’ve been taught from a young age that it’s normal. This also happens when you put stuff on the Internet and learn that people are always having sex. It becomes hard to escape this and start again without being labeled something (slut, skank, etc.) People tend to see themselves as being promiscuous, so it is that much easier for them to fall into the trap again when the opportunity arises.
Not everyone who is promiscuous is also mentally unstable. However, there have been studies that have shown a link between mental stability and promiscuity. It’s still not clear why this is the case. Some people who are promiscuous do struggle with their mental health, but others do not. You also have to look at what type of dating apps you’re using.
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1. You Are not Ripe for Casual Sex
You don’t really want to jump into something casual until you’re ready to jump in all the way. Ideally, you’re in a place of wanting more in a relationship and a place of knowing that your sexualities can co-exist, but you don’t want to commit — it’s the polite way of saying that you’re ready, but don’t want to change who you are just yet.
It may sound like an ideal situation, but when you’re looking for a casual sex connection, you may have to compromise. If you see yourself as a committed poly person, chances are the guy or girl you’re looking for is going to have similar ideas in that regard.
But if casual sex isn’t for you, there’s always naked nights, happening, and a place to go.
2. You Are Tired of Dating and Looking for Serious Love
Maybe the one you’re looking for isn’t there to look for right now, and you’re beginning to feel like you’re stuck in the middle — so you decide to hang out with a buddy one night in the hopes that the feelings will wash over you. Sure, it’s great to have casual sex in the moment, but then there is always a nagging voice in the back of your head: “I’m not ready to jump into a real relationship — I want to have fun first.”
The nagging voice can be hard to ignore, but isn’t mutually exclusive. It can be hard to find love when you feel like something is missing. According to this article in Bustle, dating apps really can’t help with that, but they can make finding casual sex a little easier.
3. You’ve Been in Tons of Relationships
Like most people in long-term relationships, if you’ve been in a few, you’re already somewhat sexually intelligent. It may have taken a long time, but you now know how to position yourself and the other person, and all that stuff is on the back burner. If you’re dating now, even if it’s because you don’t want to mess up your relationship, you’ve already picked up on some sexual techniques.
By being a little more submissive or aggressive in certain situations, and turning on the dirty talk, you’re already giving off sexual signals of what you’re comfortable doing — and, it’s likely, what you want to do.
4. Casual Sex Isn’t The Right Fit for You
If all that sexy talk doesn’t


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According to STI expert Caitlin Kelly, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C., picking up sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is more or less the point of casual sex. “The experience can be very different depending on where you live,” says Kelly. She recommends that people who aren’t sure of each other’s STI status cover any new hookups with condoms.
But when casual sex becomes problematic, you need to know the difference between a casual hookup and casual sex addiction, says Devora Natale-Lee, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles. Natale-Lee says that while casual sex can feel good, if you want to get in and out of it, too often, people are drawn to sex that feels exciting. “There’s a difference between the thrilling excitement of hookups, and the compulsive, fulfilling gratification that comes from the pursuit of a monogamous relationship,” she says.
If you feel better, safer, and more connected with someone than you did going in, you could be a casual sex addict — or more commonly, just “polyamorous”. Michelle, a 23-year-old young professional, told me that when she slept with a man she was just having a hot night, but then she saw him a few days later and felt intense jealousy. Once that jealousy set in, she kept hitting him up — even though it was only for sex. She concluded that while casual sex felt great, she wasn’t in it for the right reasons — like making him feel good and like himself, but instead she felt attracted to him.
Essentially, that’s a sex addict. Natale-Lee says that if you go into casual sex with a desire to fulfill sexual obligations, that’s something else entirely. Many people who feel aroused or compulsively inattentive in a casual encounter end up with partners who are just what they need in that moment, but they don’t want a long-term relationship with. Not all casual sex is addictive, but if the behavior has started to have negative affects on your life, Natale-Lee says it may be — especially if it still feels exhilarating, as Michelle reported.
Some people are more susceptible to addictive casual sex than others. “There’s a brain reward system that’s very engaged,” says Natale-Lee. “And it’s especially engaged when someone is really turned on, including the brain reward system in the genitals.”
In other words, for sex addicts, casual sex can lead

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There are a lot of ways to think about casual sex. You could just use it as a means to get off, in which case the likelihood of your heart melting and your eyes misting over are the only clear markers of whether you’re enjoying yourself. You could treat sex as merely a fleeting feeling. You could view casual sex as something you’ll never go back to. It’s hard to say which perspective is healthier. As we mentioned above, casual sex can be more empowering if you’re seeking it out because you genuinely want to be having sex. You don’t want to define it as something you do just to get it over with, like trying to fill a time slot on your calendar.
Is casual sex bad for you? Like many things in life, there are no hard and fast rules. But, from an evolutionary standpoint, casual sex tends to be a passing phase in most people’s lives. There’s no benefit to it long-term. And, more than most things in life, the consequences of casual sex are more serious and more difficult to outgrow than the sin itself.
Is casual sex bad for you? People’s definition of “casual sex” varies a lot. Think about what you mean. If you mean sex that you’d have an opportunity for you to be in a serious relationship with and make an effort to work on, then that’s not casual. Sex on the fly with someone you’d never consider as anything more than a booty call is casual in some people’s eyes.
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Is casual sex bad for you?
Is casual sex bad for you?

Life is an elaborate game. And for every conceivable reason, we make up rules to play. We don’t tell everyone the same version of the truth, or try to punish those who are happier than ourselves. We accept that people evolve differently.
Yet, we also know that our version of the world is not the only one. And we create our own, bigger, more inclusive games. We are on a journey to becoming better people, yet every step we take is a conforming behaviour.
But if we’re being true to ourselves, we have to admit that we like seeing the rules of the games change. We especially like the rules not being the same as what they were before we walked down the corridors of our younger version of our current selves.
In many ways, life is a game, and each person has their own rules. They are the rules of


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